Mediteranean Cruise 1965

Truckee departed for the Med in March 1 of 1965 and returned on November 6, 1965

Some of the statistics of the cruise:

Total ships alongside          409	
Total Times ships Alongside    18 days 10 hours - 37 minutes	
Most ships fueled in one day   10 on 29 june	
Ship Alongside the longest     Chikaskia 7hrs - 19 minutes	

Ships fueled by months:

Miles Steamed		37,622

Amunition Expended	703 Rounds

Total Gallons Pumped	50.965,194	NSFO
to ships alongside	14,389.494	JP5			
                        1,169,406	AVGAS
		TOTAL	66,524,094

Biggest month was August	9,966,264 Gals of NSFO
	                        3,557,780 Gals of JP5			  
                                  393,204 Gals of AVGAS

Ports Visited:	        Naples Italy, Istanbul Turkey, Athens Greece, 
                        Barcelona Spain, Palma De Mallorca Spain, Nice 

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