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1)Jonathan was asked on a scale from 1 to 10 what would you rate yourself:

" I would say I am a 5, I see good looking dude on the street and think to
myself why can't I look like him."

2)Do you have a house keeper?

Jonathan doesn't like having a house keeper,

"Why have someone else clean up
your own mess when you can do it yourself, I love doing my own laundry.
I don't see why I should have a house keeper when
I can pull out a vacuum cleaner and do it myself. It's my mess my house my
dirty laundry why make someone else clean it for you"?

3)Do you go out and buy expensive things just because you can?

No, I purposely went out and bought a cheap car. Why because I don't
see the point in buying really expensive things I am not a materialistic guy.

4)What is one thing you miss while traveling on the road?

Well one thing I miss is sitting on my own toilet...lol..just simple
pleasure like that.

5)Have you ever used fame to get what you?

Well not really. Well a couple of time like for instance, If I call up
a restaurant and ask to make reservations for around 8 pm and they tell
me we are booked until 10 pm, then I say something like well this is
Jonathan Knight's manager from the New Kids On The Block and he wanted
to come in with some friends tonight and have dinner could you
accommodate him any earlier? Most of the time they say yes.

6)Do you have any phobia's?

Yes I have a big phobia of the dark. One of my houses is out in the
country, and I hate it when it gets dark because it gets pitch black
out side and you can't see anything out your windows except darkness.
So I went out and bought lights to put all around my house.

6)If you could come back as anything or anyone after you die what
would you want to be?

Well if I was to come back as anyone I would want to be myself. If you
want to come back as someone or something else after you die, then
that shows that you were not happy with yourself or your life.

7)Do you ever worry about anything?

Actually I am a big worry wart.

8)When you are in a relationship do you believe you should be totally
100% faithful?

Yes when I am in a relationship I am always faithful no matter what, if
you are with someone then that means you should be happy. If you fill
the need to cheat then you are not happy, and should not be in the
relationship. I feel honesty and trust are two most important things
in a relationship. I you make the commitment then you should stick to
it. If you get married then that should be it.

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