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Ok You all yelled at me for not putting my pic on so here you go by popular demand here is a pic of me POPEYE ok ok ok now you can stop laughing at the red nail polish I really do have on red boots on to go with it lmmfao

If you don't believe me go to my Voice Message page

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Now there's a pic to vote you as #1 daddy of the year. Hum I wonder if after DAVE teaches this little boy how to skate if he will teach me *evil grin* Not only is he a great single daddy but he's also the FUNNIEST guy in the JK chat, SWEET as pie and SOOOOOOOOOOO SEXYYYYYYYY that's why he's one of my best friends

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Looks like in a few years DAVE will have competition. But for now I have my work cut out for me chasing all the girls off this big flirt

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Nothin cuter then a guy with his daughter. Not only will this picture melt your heart but so will NICEGUY25 with his sweet charming flirtatious ways *popeye smiles* @ NICEGUY25

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NICEGUY25's CUTE, he's SEXY,   he's one of the sweetest guy in the JK chat and he's free to date any takers will have to get through me first cus  he's one of my best friends lol

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Now what girl would pass up this ride?? Well not me :o) NICEGUY25 sure looks cute in his jeep, ya got to love a man in a jeep eh *popeye pulls up her pant leg and sticks out her thumb* lol 

HUMMMMMMMM who would of thought I'd have such a sexy nephew : ) dang I'm related to all the HOTTIES lmmfao sucks to be me lol. Well Girls you will all be glad to know that this girl in the picture is a EX girlfriend hummmm ya know what that means yeppers my nephew VIRTUAL_GUY is free and single and graduating school this may woooooooohooooooooooo I better be invited to that : ) love ya hun and dang boy put some close on now ppl are ganna drool on there puters lmmfao

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Every guys dream date CRYSTAL (sis ) WOW guys what a Babe

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Nothin worse then a sloppy drunk you go CRYSTAL ( sis )

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WOW sis (CRYSTAL),  how can you look so good after setting such a nice table??? Is this a dinner for friends if so I will tell all the chatters we are eating at your house lol

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He's sweet he's cute and he's probably the most comical person you will ever meet trust me after being with him for 7 years I know he can make anyone laugh tell they cry. If you really wanna laugh get to know KoRn_ChiPs

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Yes that is a snake with KoRn_ChiPs. She was one of   many snakes we had when we were together. Her name is Reggie and she's a 80 Lbs. Python

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Can ya believe she's a mommy? Ok guys put your tongue back that's my friend DANIELE your drooling on and she's married

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Now there's a cute family DANIEL and SUM_1_ELSE with their adorable son

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Back off guys that's my older sister XLUV your drooling over.

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Well here they are two of the cutest kids I know, my niece and nephew who form time to time come in and try to chat

  NICK                       &                   LACEY

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Just one of the boys aye well FLYTE the guy in the middle is sexy sweet and too funny and Ladies he loves to flirt but don't be sad if he don't remember your name the next day cus he can't remember who he has and has not slept with lmmfao he's not to picky either he even thought he slept with enric hahahhahahahhahahhahahhah sorry had to do it lmmfao

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Who would have ever guess this classy lady is the one and only wacky ANDHARA

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Yes she's a sweet as she looks DAPHNE is every JK chatters friend

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Now I wonder where she came up with the name SPRITE. This sweet girl looks more like the girl next door

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Its no wonder she picked the name TIGER_LADY. She's fisty as a tiger but looks like a beautiful lady

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Lucky sugar ray got to hug SHA a person with a heart of gold

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PILLAN I'm in pc hang on one minute lol. I have to say PILLAN is too sweet to always wait for me to get out of PC just to say hi : )

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Yes TOOTSIEBUG we know you are cute! And by my Gallery we can tell you know it too lol j/k

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Don't let TOOTSIEBUG sweet looks fool you she is really very crazy and one of the funniest people I know to chat and have fun with

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Now this is the TOOTSIEBUG I chat too. She acts just as silly as she looks in this pic lol

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He may look serious here but CBF is a really sweet, fun person to chat with

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CBF smile :o) you are on candid camera heheheheheh go check out the chatter voice page to hear this cutie get down with a little NKOTB

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Her name may be CHEESIE but as you can see she's really very sweet and pretty

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Little miss CHICHA ( DOODLE ) what am I gonna say about you lol. CHICHA ITS CHIKA NOT CHI-CHA hehe *evil grin* She is just as crazy as these pics. That's why she's my little cyber niece : ) CHICHA is on the left and KARA is on the right

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No questions asked CHICHA ( one with tongue sticking out ) and her friend ERICA are both NUT's lol 

NOOOOOOOOO that's not KETURAH's kid. But Ket is one of the many sweet chatters of the JK chat

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FREAK FREAK FREAK ooops I'm sorry you chat under a false name ummm what is it again ummm oh yes KYLESSSSSSSS. As you will soon find out KYLES is just as I call her a FREAK. She's WILD, she's CRAZY,, she's FUNNY as hell, and she's someone everyone should know.  "HOUSTON we have a problem Kyle's has escaped, NASA please send her back to her home land in AUSSIE  space  her 110 kids and 6 sets of twins 3 days apart are out driving and her 3 month old daughter is holding the JK chatters hostage. ( haha you would have to know me, KYLES, and another chatter to get that message but I know FREAK will laugh so I had to put it lmmfaowrotgdff)  Oh yes and FREAK Just cus Jordan said your name on a JK interview about the chat room don't mean you are really all that so stop acting like it. See onyx's pic for KYLES dream date

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WOW check that out If ya add a few years, shorten the hair a little and put some nice clothes on FREAK she can really turn in to a pretty normal looking 1/2 pretty girl :o) hehehe KYLES you know I think you are a freaky FOX. If only I were a guy wooohooo baby you would be all mine BAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHA ewwwwwww you guys I was just kidding geez KYLES is really the one that wants me *blushes* BAHAHAHAHAHHAH  ( inside Joke people get a grip)

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Who would have ever guessed that of all people FREAK ( KYLES ) could find herself such a great man. Not only is MIKE aka PMEDIC  super sweet, funny, and  an all around charming, friendly, good looking guy but he's also off limits lol  To bad ladies cus kyles is ganna travel a WACKA miles to be with this sweetie lmmfao @ Mike thanx for everything hun you are the best

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SQUEEK has got to be on of the sweeties chatters I know. She's sweet cute and fun to chat with. She's one of the many younger teenage chatters that I feel make the JK chat a room full of love and laughter

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HAHAHAHHAHHAHA  ok ONYX  said she didn't have a pic of her self so she just described her self and after surfing the net I found this pic. I don't know about you guys but after reading her self description I'm really convinced this Has to be a real pic of ONYX you tell me. Here's the description she gave me: She says she's 6'6" 98 Lbs has braces and always has food stuck in her teeth well what teeth she still has, and dried up boogers all over her nose ( eww ONYX ) She confesses she don't really have hair but the small patches she does have grow in Purple. She has more hair on her arm pits and legs and chest then her head hahahahhah and she wants every one to know she don't really have knee problems its just that her left leg is 12 inches shorter then her right and that's why she walks with a limp lmmfao so now don't you all think she lied when she said her pic is not on the net? Either this is her or a twin of hers maybe its a twin cus this thing is kinda cute lol


ONYX at birth                                                ONYX now 


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OK most of you might not now that onyx had twins about 9 months ago and well onyx kinda lost her mind one day and she felt it was best she gave the twins up for adoption. WELL ONYX guess who we found :o) Yes we found your babies and they are soooooooooooo cute just like their mommy. Well we thought they should be added to the site next to their mom.

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Click the next button to go to photo album 2


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If you have a picture of yourself that you would like me to add to my site please email it to me along with your chat name

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