When I met Joe McIntyre, May 1999 May 8, 1999, I met with 5 girls in Copenhagen on May 9, 1999. We were all staying at a girl named Anja's house. We heard that Joe would show up in Copenhagen the next day so we were prepared to wait  in the airport the next day. After we ate, we were watching some video-stuff taped in America and we started talking about the trip to the air-port the next day. We wanted to make sure that Joe had not already checked in at the hotel so we started calling hotels pretending we were calling from Boston. The first hotel we called was "D'Angleterre" the hotel the New Kids stayed at in 1991, but no one checked in under the name Steve Chambers. The next hotel we called was "Phoenix" and this time we were lucky. A guy named Jerry Affrick (Joe's manager) had checked in, but did not answer his phone. When we hung up on him we all changed our clothes, put on make-up and took a bus to the hotel. We were too late though. We didn't meet Joe although we stood  outside in the cold for 3 hours. The next day we heard from other fans that  Joe had been out eating while his bodyguard Robo were staying in the bar under the hotel talking with some girls (rumor has it that those girls even slept with him.). Joe went to a club called "NASA" for VIP's only. Since it was getting late and dark, we took the last bus home,  hoping that we would be lucky the next day.May 9, 1999 We got up early the next day knowing that we didn't  have to stand all day glancing in the airport. We put on our clothes and make-up and then went to the hotel. We were the only ones there, but  after some ours, more girls showed up. We were standing there for so  long and we didn't bring any food to eat. We found a gas-station a few  blocks away and went their to buy some food. They didn't have much  to choose from so we all ended up buying cookies and chocolate-milk.  Some hours later a big bus showed up at the hotel and we could tell that  it was a tour-bus, but we didn't know who was on tour. We saw a lot of   people rushing from the bus, but we didn't know they were. That's why  one of us asked a guy  and he said it was Shawn Mullins. Oh well, that  name didn't ring a bell either so we still didn't know who he was. At one  point this guy Shawn Mullins stopped right next to us as if he was  waiting for us to ask for autograph. Too bad  'cause we really didn't know  who he was… We found out later that he's the guy who sings the song  "lullaby". As I got hungry some hours later, I grabbed a cake in my bag  and had just put it in my mouth when I here someone saying "hey." I  looked up and there he was right next to us on the stairs. It was so embarrassing and I quickly put the cake in my pocket and tried to concentrate on what to do next. None of us spotted Joe before he announced his being there by saying: Hey. It was really embarrassing. The guy we've been waiting for several hours just stood before our very eyes and  we didn't notice a thing. Anyway, I stepped away to find my camera and  I didn't hear his comment about us waiting for Shawn Mullins. A girl  asked if he wanted to shoot some pictures with us and he answered": I   guess so!" He was so cute! I was shocked and going crazy. I found my   camera, but I also bought a small teddy-bear for Joe and I had some  pictures I wanted him to sign. When I had it all in my hand I went to  him. I gave him the teddy-bear saying": here's something for you to  remember that we remember you." We stood close for taking the picture when Joe said" aren't you suppose to give the camera to you friend  so she can take the picture for you." That says how shocked I was  right? I handed my friend the camera and she took a picture. Other girls wanted to have their picture taken with Joe so he handed me the teddy-bear again and I was afraid that he was gonna leave without it, but when he had  given everybody his autograph and taking pictures with them he came  back for the teddy-bear…. So cute!!? He took my book which were  for some more autographs, so I Gave him the teddy-bear and told  him that the book and another picture was for some more autograph and he  said": Oh, okay." He stopped signing autograph but he gave me time for  one more and I was so  happy. When he saw the picture I took of him in the  Danish concert in 1991, he showed the picture to his manager Jerry   Affrick telling him "Look at our stage-show." He gave me the picture and   pen back and told everyone that he was now gonna take a walk in  Copenhagen. We all decided to let him walk alone with Joe Affrick on  his side 'cause we didn't want to make him mad or anything so we left.  By the way 10 girls were waiting in front of the hotel and 3-4 showed  up out of nowhere. We left and went to a shop that sold Joe's CD. I'm  still not sure why they had Joe's CD when it says on his web that the CD  will be out on May 27, 1999. Anyway, I got the CD hoping that we  would meet him again the next day! May 10, 1999. We knew from Joe's web that he would be appearing  in a Danish morning TV show called: God Morgen Danmark. The show starts   at 6:30 am so we wanted to be there early. We took a cab to the  studio and where there at 5 am…. Nothing happened and later on we called  the show to check if  we were standing in front of the right studio. We weren't, but we were told the place of the right studio and then took  another cab. When we showed up other fans were already there and more showed up. However at the time most girls were there I spotted only 20  girls so I knew that there would be another chance for autographs. We   had to wait outside the studio, but the receptionist told us that this  was where he would come out after the show. In the waiting-area there  was a TV and we cranked up the volume when Joe sang "Stay The Same"  and "I Love You Came Too Late." The girls who showed up by the hotel the day before had already prints from the meeting yesterday and one  girl was kind to give me a picture of Joe and me together! I was the  first one who spotted Joe in the hall and when he showed up we all gave  him a big applause, and he looked surprised to see how many showed up.  He said "Let me try to get with those that I didn't already meet." But   of course he had time for all of us! He waved at me to come for my  picture to be taken, but I had to tell him that my camera didn't work,  which he replied with "OHH." My friend had  another camera of mine and  took a picture. The camera was working, but had no flash. Joe drove off  in a blue jaguar and some girls were determined to follow him all  day. On our way to the bus, I was determined to buy a new camera just in  case I would be lucky to meet him again. I spent a lot of money on the camera, but now I have it! We knew where Joe was gonna give an interview   so we went to the studio. One of us knew the guy who appears in the show "PULS" and she asked him about the interview. He told her that it  had been changed to a new location. He told her the place of the new  location and we all left. We were now 7 girls together. We were waiting  in front of the restaurant "Etcetera." When all of a sudden a  Danish singer I used to be fan of came by. My friend asked if I could have  my picture taken with him and he said okay… He then asked if we were  waiting for that guy…? And we said yes. He didn't know his name so  we had to tell him. He then asked if we were old New Kids' fans and we   told him "You're standing with the hardcore fans." He was the one to make the interview and we asked if we could go inside while they were making it. he said we were welcome to, but the camera-crew told us maybe. When Joe showed up an hour later he looked at us standing at the corner and he made a big choked smile at us!!!!! After his car a cab full of girls showed up and another car with some girls. Those girls had   been following him all day, but we were the nice fans who knew where he would be for this interview and then showed up to surprise!!! After  the interview, he   didn't have time for pictures or autograph since he  was making another interview in the jaguar. I had my new camera with  me and took as many pictures that I could before he went in the car. As  he stood right next to me on his way down the seat of the car he said "How do I say this? TAK, TAK, TAK!" (thanx). When the car drove off, he looked back from the backseat and made kisses at us. Then  the car drove of and I haven't seen him since. This was my first real meeting with a NKOTB-member,   but I hope there'll be more in the future! Love ya Alwayz Karoline aka CrazyKay


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Thanks for the story CRAZYKAY

hey crazy you sound like me going from place to place to place day after day lol


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