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Presented by AOL's Entertainment Asylum. Former New Kid on the Block Jordan Knight came to discuss his new self-titled album. The transcript of the session follows.

OnlineHost: KEYWORD: Your Music is proud to present Jordan Knight!!!!!

Jordan Knight: Thank you!

Question: HI Jordan! Happy Belated Birthday! I was just wondering who influenced you most musically? Thanks! Love ya!

Jordan Knight: The Beatles.

Question: Do you still keep in touch with Joey Mcyntire, your old Kids On The Block bud?

Jordan Knight: I saw him just last night.

Question: Do you ever wish you were not famous so you could have a private and normal life like a normal person?

Jordan Knight: Every once in a while. Not too often.

Question: How does it feel to be making new records solo? Would you rather be in a group?

Jordan Knight: It feels great doing it solo. I like it much better doing it solo.

Question: Hey Jordan!!! This is Amanda from Flint, MI. I was just wondering how long you wanted to stay in the music business. Do you think you'll ever do any acting?

Jordan Knight: I might dabble into some acting, but I'd rather not spread myself too thin because I love music so much.

Question: Will you Marry me Jordan? Just Kidding. =) (Unless you want to) Youve been my fave NKOTB member and you still are, How does it feel to be back?

Jordan Knight: It feels really, really good because a lot of the same fans that were fans then are fans now and it feels like I've never left the spotlight.

Question: What took you so long?

Jordan Knight: Well, I really felt that I didn't have any rush, really, to do the record and I just wanted to take my own time and make sure that the people that I was working with I did were records that I really, really liked.

Question: Was going solo harder than the first time around with the New Kids?

Jordan Knight: I would say I found it harder.

Question: Jordan, who did you work with to produce the album?

Jordan Knight: Robin Thicke, who is a young musician from Los Angeles, California. And Jimmy Jam, who's a veteran music producer and produces Janet Jackson.

Question: My daughter was just diagnosed with cancer. She's only three but she loves your new song i was just wondering if you would say hi to her, she'd love that. Her name is Brittany Vance.


Jordan Knight: Hi Brittany! I'm glad you like my new single. And get better soon! Be strong.

Question: Jordan, what's the craziest or scariest thing a fan has ever done to get your attention or try to meet you?

Jordan Knight: One girl tried to play Kamikaze in front of one of our buses. She wouldn't move and she just wanted to let the bus hit her.

EAMusic1: Did you hit her?

Jordan Knight: Yeah, but at a very, very low speed. She was just fine. She actually did damage to our bus! LOL ;)

Question: If you were stranded on a deserted island, what one thing would you take and why? Love ya' J!

Jordan Knight: A cruise ship! And that's self-explanatory!

Question: Boxers or briefs?

Jordan Knight: I don't know the difference.

Question: Hey Jordan! What is your favorite song on the new album and what can fans expect at your upcoming shows? Love you!

Jordan Knight: I guess they can expect a lot of energetic dancing. And, as far as my favorite song, I like all the songs on the album because they're all special and they all bring out different emotions. They all got something special, I think.

Question: Do you have another album planned for the future?

Jordan Knight: Yes. Give it a little time, buddy. But I definitely plan on doing more and more records.

Question: What would you tell someone that is trying to break into the business at any level?

Jordan Knight: Never quit!

Question: Does it ever bother you that some people just know you as the ex-new kid without knowing what your new sound is about? P.S. Love the music!

Jordan Knight: No, because there aren't many people who really think of me to that extreme.

Question: If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?

Jordan Knight: I'd definitely do a lot of peepin' tomin'. I would try to go to a lot of places where there would be people talking about me so I could just listen in. And that's about it.

Question: Hey I love your video. How long did it take to learn to dance like that?

Jordan Knight: My whole life!

Question: Is there any other TV appearances for you in the near future? We will be rooting you on while you are on Regis and Kathy Lee tomorrow!

Jordan Knight: Total Request Live tomorrow on MTV!

Question: How does it feel to have a song that is listened to all around the world, and it's only about sex?

Jordan Knight: It feels wonderful. Freedom of speech.

Question: What's your philosophy of life?

Jordan Knight: You only live once and you don't really know it because you get caught up in every day activities, but if you walk around knowing you only have one time on this planet, you'll make a whole lot more of it.

Question: Why are all the lyrics to the songs on your new album so sad?

Jordan Knight: I don't know. I guess that's just what came out, really. It came out.

Question: I love "Give It To You" when is your CD coming out?

Jordan Knight: The CD is coming out tomorrow. Please buy five of them! You're going to love it.

EAMusic1: To find out more on Jordan Knight go to Keyword: EA Music!!

Question: Jordan, you were my favorite New Kid. How does it feel to be back on the charts?

Jordan Knight: It feels great that now that I see my name on the charts because the past few years I've been looking at everyone else's names on there and finally I can see my name on there.

Question: What do you think of Ricky Martin?

Jordan Knight: I think he's really, really cool. Really cool, great performer and I love his single, La Vida Loca.

Question: Hi. I know you probably get asked this a lot but do you and the rest of the New Kids doing a reunion? Thanks :)

Jordan Knight: No.

Question: What influences your writing the most?

Jordan Knight: Robin Thicke, ha ha ha.

Question: Are you dating anyone?

Jordan Knight: No.

Question: Do you ever plan to go on tour?

Jordan Knight: Yes, I'm on tour right now doing a radio tour. And in the summer I'll be touring with 'N Sync.

Question: I can't wait to get your CD. I pre-ordered it and I am going to see you in concert. I can't wait!

Jordan Knight: Thanks a lot!

Question: Would you ever do a duet with your brother?

Jordan Knight: A better question would be, would he ever consider a duet with me?

Question: Did you find this album a more personal experience now that you're writing songs?

Jordan Knight: Yes, much more.

Question: I was wondering if you had any re-mixes out for "Give It To You" that I could have the deejays mix at our local clubs here in Dallas?

Jordan Knight: Yes, there's a thing called the maxi single that has like three or four remixes on it.

Question: What do you think of the new boy groups out there?

Jordan Knight: There's a lot of 'em And they all sing harmonies a lot better than the New Kids sure did. LOL

Question: What cities will you be in when on tour this summer?

Jordan Knight: Go to www.jordanknight.com and there is a list of all the cities.

Question: Jordan, are you going to be performing on your London promo tour?

Jordan Knight: Yes, I will be performing.

Question: Do you think that being a celebrity is worth it?

Jordan Knight: Yeah, it's all in the way you look at it, I guess. You can pretty much make anything that you really like to do worth it.

Question: How does it feel to soon to be touring with N'Sync? Will it bring back any memories from New Kids On The Block?

Jordan Knight: Probably, when I look out into the crowd and see all the signs and everything else, yeah.

Question: If you weren't in the business what would you be doing today?

Jordan Knight: Something that wasn't 9 to 5 job, that's for sure.

Question: Hey Jordon, Ricky here from Chicago. Just wanted to compliment you on your awesome dance moves. It really makes the video kick.

Jordan Knight: Thank you!

Question: What are you doing for Father's Day?

Jordan Knight: Nothing. I'm not yet a father and I'll be on tour.

Question: Je vous ame Jordan. Do you know French?

Jordan Knight: I took French in eighth grade and can't remember anything.

Question: Hi Jordan. What is your favorite song from your new album?

Jordan Knight: I like all the songs on the album. I like all the songs for different reasons.

Question: Where do you live now?

Jordan Knight: I live in Boston. Actually, I live out of a suitcase.

Question: Are any of the songs are on your album about anything that has happened in your life?

Jordan Knight: Sure. Yes, most of the songs and then on some of the songs you just kind of imagine.

Question: Do you remember any of your fans in particular, since you meet so many?

Jordan Knight: Every so often I do see a fan that I've seen before and I recognize them.

Question: How hard is it writing so many songs?

Jordan Knight: Sometimes they come easy and sometimes they come very hard.

EAMusic1: How long did it take to write this record?

Jordan Knight: To put it all together, it took about a year and a half.

Question: Do you find it hard being a role model to people today?

Jordan Knight: No, not really. I don't really look at myself as a role model. And I just am the way I am and if people want to look up to me, they do. By no means do I like to give a negative image either.

Question: Do you talk to your fans online?

Jordan Knight: Obviously... LOL

Question: Jordan, I just wanted to ask if you are really, truly happy, cause I love to see your smiling face. :)

Jordan Knight: I am truly happy. Yet, of course, I am also human and I do have my days where I can be grumpy.

Question: How do you think being famous has changed your life?

Jordan Knight: It's kind of opened me out of my shell, I would say. It's opened my eyes to the rest of the world. It's been a great learning experience.

Question: When and where was your first kiss?

Jordan Knight: It was at a roller skating rink when I was about 12.

Question: I've often heard you have an AOL account is that true?

Jordan Knight: Oh, yeah, that's very true.

Question: How is your music now different from that of being a new kid?

Jordan Knight: I would say that it's just a lot more of me, I guess. The lyrics are definitely a lot deeper and the music is a lot more diverse.

Question: As an artist, is there anything that really annoys you that you could do without?

Jordan Knight: Travel.

Question: Are you coming to Los Angeles soon?

Jordan Knight: I'm going to be in Los Angeles, I think, next week.

Question: Do you plan on doing any duets with any other singers?

Jordan Knight: I'd like to. I haven't really thought about anyone in particular. If I could pick anyone in the world, alive or dead, let's see... I would do one with Alanis Morisette.

EAMusic1: Is there anything you'd like to say to your fans?

Jordan Knight: I have one thing to say to all my fans. BUY MY RECORD!!! :)

EAMusic1: Be Sure to go to Keyword : EA Music for more on Jordan Knight AND THANK YOU JORDAN!!!

Jordan Knight: Thank you!



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