~ click on picture to view full size and to read popeye's personal story for each picture ~

FYI some picture have more of a story then others and it is most likely the one you think is nothing that has the best story behind it


Ok guys this is when GQSBABYGIRL and I met Jordan at Tower Records in San Fanscisco. It was a very long day but well worth it. When we got up to Jordan we got to spend a little time talking to him. I had asked him to sign my photo album from the other times I had met him and lol he had to stop and look through some of the pictures. This is when he made a comment about one of the pictures form the Z you can read the story on the picture. As I was leaving Jordan I got brave and put my hand out to shake his.  Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think Jordan could make me as if he had taken over all my inner feels but he did and boy was I freaking lol. As soon as I put my hand out Jordan pulled his arm back and then swong it to mine slapping my hand with his hand ( and I said ouch lol ) then he grabed onto my hand and started to shake it but he was holding it so tight I felt I couldnt breath lol. Well then he just sat there and would not let go of my hand. I remember looking up at him and thinking let go already. Well the nervesness started to set in and I felt as If I was I don't know I can't even think of how to explauin the feeling I got all I know was I had to get away uggggggg lol. So I started to try and pull my hand away but the more I pulled the more Jordan held on ugggggggggg Who would ever think that Id be panicted and trying to pull away from Jordan, well I did. It seemed like hours but was really only minutes. I stood there pulling and pulling and Jordan just held on smiling what a bratt lol. Well we did this until I had pulled my hand just about out of his and just our fingers were griped on then he snaped his hand back out of mine and I was like geez its about time lol. Jordan you really do know how to make girls panic dont you lmmfao what was up with THAT???????? See if I ever shake your hand again lmmfao



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