This was the first time GQSBABYGRIL and I had met Jordan. Before meeting him the radio announcers had said they were having a contest to meet Jordan the following day and to have lunch with him. Well everyone there who had a cell phone all jumped on their phones and started calling the radio station. GQ and I who did not have phone got smart and ran behind the station and into a building that was underneath the Z station and asked them if we could use the phone. Well when we called up the radio station they had told us we were to late they already had a winner : ( so GQ being her self asked if Jordan was around. A few seconds later we heard hello this is Jordan Knight wooohooo. Well we were lucky enough to get to sit and talk to Jordan on the phone for a good 15-20 min or so. GQ talked to him first and she was too funny. Anyone who knows GQ knows that she talks super fast. Well with her mouth going a mile a minute she asked Jordan a hundred questions such as how his family was how Jonathan was and so forth. Jordan was very sweet to answer all her questions and the radio station people laughed in the back ground saying is she crying lol. Well then Jordan said would you like to know how my dog is lol and GQ said ya how's Shane and Jordan laughed and said he's fine. Then she asked how is Buster and Misty and Jordan asked who are they? And GQ said your cats remember and Jordan laughed and said damn you girls know more about me then I do, I didn't even know I had cats lmmfao ummm ok Jordan. Well When I got on the phone me being me was really quiet and nervous. I could hardly hear Jordan cus he spoke so soft and the people in the radio station were so loud so for the first few minutes I was like Jordan Jordan Jordan are you there? Then I would hear a sexy voice say YESSSS : ) we must have done this about 5 x. Jordan and I then chit chatted for a bit then don't ask me what I was thinking but I asked Jordan if after the signing we could hang out with him for a bit *blushes* Well Jordan said that he was really tired cus he had just flew in from Cancoon Mexico and ummmmm heheheh *embarrassed* I told him OH Jordan well I'll give you a back massage *shocked at her self ugggg* Jordan then got a sly kinda voice and said Oh so you are down like that? *popeye smacks Jordan I never said that geez* We then talked a little longer then Jordan said so where are you girls at anyways? And I said we are down stairs in a photo thingy. Jordan replied back a photo thingy? And I said ya a photo thingy ya know where they make photos lol. And Jordan said Oh I did not know there was such a thing called a photo thingy * ok Jordan enough making fun of me : (* Then again Jordan asked so are you really down like that uggggggg lol and I said Jordan all I said was id give you a back massage cus you were tired : ) and then I said so do we get to hang out with you? Jordan then said I don't know I'm really tired. Would you be willing to follow me to Sacramento that's where my motel room is? Well DUH of course I told him yes. And then he said ok will see then : ). He then said he had to get back to the radio show : ( So I told him ok well look for us GQ is kinda tall with a lot of hair and I will be the shortest one down there lol. And Jordan in the cutest voice said AWWWW SHORTY lol. We then said goodbye and Jordan said he would see us after the signing : )



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