A Ranma 1/2 alternate universe mini-series. Genma and Soun are captured by the Musk when they seal up Happosai. Only Soun escapes. A PG-13 rating for language and situations.

This story and a few others can be found on my web page at

Ranma 1/2 is a trademark of Viz Communications, Inc. and was created by Rumiko Takahashi.
This story is of my own derivation and is not intended for commercial purposes, so please don't sue me.

Last chapter, Soun and Genma decided to wait until they were further from home and had found a better spot to seal up Happosai. Unfortunately, the place they chose happened to be near the Musk Fortress. The pair were captured, but Soun escaped with Genma's help after promising to raise Ranma and return. Ranma and Akane trained together just as Genma and Soun had earlier; the two are now of roughly equal skill level. This and the lack of pressure from their parents allowed the pair to grow close. When they turned sixteen, Soun took them to China for more ki training. While there, Akane challenged and defeated Shampoo, earning the 'Kiss of Death'. While running from the Amazons, they ran into Ryoga (literally) on the path around Jusenkyo and everyone fell into a different pool.

Honor of the Tendos

Chapter 2: The China Syndrome

by Joe Fenton

     Three girls and a black mountain goat walked through Nerima district of Tokyo. A mountain goat in Tokyo was strange, but not enough to warrant a second glance, even if it was wearing a gi. What was drawing the majority of stares, and whistles, and the occasional proposition, were the three girls. The pretty red-head was practically glowing in anger at some of the suggestions, and was leaving a trail of slapped faces behind her. The two black-haired twins trailing her were also steaming, partly because the red-head was getting three of every four propositions. While the red-head contented herself with a slap, the black-haired girls would release their frustrations with a punch to the gut, leaving a trail of prone and groaning men behind them.

     "This is so embarrassing." Ranma grumbled.

     Both Akanes glared at her for a second, then their expressions eased. It wasn't her fault. "We'll be home soon." The Akane on the left punched another guy. "I can't believe there's so many perverts in this town!" Both Akanes nodded at each other.

     Ranma glanced back behind her at the trail of prone bodies. "Uh, Akane? Do you have to be so rough on 'em?"

     Both Akanes exclaimed together. "YES!" The one on the right continued. "Honestly, Ranma. You might be a guy, but you have no idea what most guys are like."

     Ranma's pig-tail stood on end as the latest guy sidled over and whispered a suggestion. The guy flew off into the sky as Ranma unleased her first punch. "I believe I'm getting an idea." She gave the girls an apologetic look. "Are guys always this bad?"

     They shook their heads. "Not usually. It's just that we're not escorted by a guy - no offense intended - and we're all soaked." The group had a tendency to attract water; even the goat was dripping. "Plus, you're not wearing a bra. That's why you're being propositioned more." The two girls gave Ranma a look that dared her to dispute that statement.

     Ranma looked at the sidewalk. "Sorry, but you know how I feel about that."

     Both girls sighed and gave each other a knowing look. "Yes, we do; we've only had to listen to you complain for the last week."

     The goat turned and gave a loud bleat. The girls hurried their step.

     "Honestly, Daddy! You don't have to yell; we're coming."


     Nodoka had Nabiki and Kasumi helping her in the kitchen. Soun had called from the airport and they wanted to have a meal waiting for the group when they arrived. First, they would likely be hungry after their long trip; second, the women wanted to make this a "Welcome Home" party.

     All the travelers favorite foods were represented among the dishes being prepared. As each was finished, it was placed in a serving bowl and moved to the table to make room for the next dish. The table was getting rather full by the time the women heard the front gate open. They wiped their hands on their aprons and rushed to the living room to greet their much-missed family.



     Kasumi and Nabiki found themselves hugging Akane... or rather, each found themselves hugging their own Akane. Nodoka blinked. She was suddenly the recipient of her own hug.


     She was pretty sure the red-head hugging her was a girl - the breasts pressed into her chest were a dead give-away. She tilted the girl's head back to get a look at her face. It seemed disturbingly familiar. "Do - do I know you?"

     The girl smiled. "It's me!"

     The Akane hugging Nabiki finally noticed that her sister was frozen solid. She looked over at Kasumi and noticed she was in a similar state. She finally looked over at Ranma. "Ranma? I think we need some hot water."

     Behind them, a goat bleated. Ranma addressed it. "We haven't forgotten about you, Uncle." All three women chose that moment to faint.


     The elder Tendo sisters sat opposite their youngest sisters - er - sister. The red-head they kept calling "Ranma" sat between them. Soun, human once more, sat at the head of the table with Nodoka opposite him at the other end. To say Akane's sisters and Nodoka were shocked would be severely understating the matter. Seeing a goat change into the elder Tendo had sent the three back into unconsciousness; once they regained consciousness, Soun recommended they have a seat and some tea while he explained. He wanted them seated to avoid any more painful falls should they pass out again; he hoped the tea would distract them a little with a familiar task. Nothing like the mundane to help keep your grip in the middle of insanity.

     He was just getting to their escape from the Amazon village. "So I grabbed the kids and ran. I was running along the mountain trail when we collided with someone out hiking and all of us fell into these pools below; the guide called the place 'Jusenkyo - The Pools of Sorrow'. The springs there are cursed; whatever - whoever falls into a pool is cursed to take the form of whatever drowned there. The pool I fell in was the 'Spring of Drowned Goat', Akane in the 'Spring of Drowned Twins', and Ranma, the 'Spring of Drowned Girl'."

     Nodoka had a shocked look on her face as she looked at the red-head. "So, you really are Ranma?"

     Ranma nodded as Soun handed her the kettle; she poured the water over her head. There was complete silence as the girl shifted and grew, once more becoming the black-haired boy with whom they had grown up. Kasumi dropped her tea cup, but they all managed to resist the urge to faint once more.

     Nabiki addressed the girls on either side of him. "So the pool made two of you?"

     They looked uneasy as they glanced at each other. "Uh, not exactly." They spoke as one, a disconcerting habit they found came all too easy. "It's just one of us in two bodies. When I'm not in my cursed form, I'm just the same as before. I don't have another 'me' inside, just two sets of slightly different memories of the same time." The Akane on Ranma's right stood, then walked around to join her twin. They held hands as Ranma poured some hot water over them. The sight of the two girls merging was enough to send Kasumi back into unconsciousness.

     Nabiki held her older sister as she tried not to join her. "Does - does that hurt?"

     Akane shook her head. "No, it's just a little disorienting at first."

     Nabiki raised her glass. "So, hot water returns you to normal, but cold water activates the curse?" She moved to splash her sister; Ranma quickly moved between them, the water changing him back into the red-head. Nabiki blinked at his protectiveness. "What? It's just a little water."

     Ranma and Akane glowered. Ranma spoke for her. "Akane becomes twins, not her clothes." She held up the other set of clothes that lay on the floor beside her.

     Nabiki sat back on her heals. "You mean..."

     Akane nodded angrily. "Yes, so I'd appreciate it if you were careful. I prefer to remain like this." She gestured to herself. "I spend enough time as twins in public. I'd like to just be myself while home."

     "You stay in, uh, 'cursed' form in public?"

     "Of course. How would you like to suddenly find yourself naked in public?"

     Nabiki shook her head in confusion. "But that's your twin, not you."

     Akane sighed in frustration. "No, it's me too. That is, sometimes it's me that finds herself without the clothes, and when I recombine, it's always me." She saw no comprehension in their faces. "This is why I prefer to stay in my uncursed form when I have the chance... it's much less confusing." She gave Nabiki a look that said, 'I will tear your arms off and use them the beat you if you don't do as I say'. "So, you will kindly refrain from splashing me while I'm home and trying to just be myself! I get splashed enough as it is."

     Nodoka tried to give her a reassuring look. "Of course dear." She gave Nabiki a warning look, then directed her attention to Akane once more. "Now, what do you mean by getting splashed all the time?"

     Soun fielded that question. "Well, it is a curse, so the magic acts to create a situation that will activate the curse. Since the curse is activated by cold water, the curse acts to bring us in contact with cold water whenever and however possible."

     The others looked a little blank, so Ranma offered an example. "The first night, I spent an hour collecting wood to heat water to change us back for the night." She looked sheepish. "The problem was my tent suddenly sprang a leak and I wound up spending the night in cursed form anyway. Once we reached civilization, I thought for sure I could spend the night without waking up half the time as a girl. Turns out the roof in our hotel room leaked too." Soun and Akane nodded.

     Akane blushed. "I tried changing back at night too, but the same kind of things kept happening." She gave Ranma an embarrassed look. "I might not have been in public, but I didn't exactly plan on giving Ranma a free show most evenings." She misinterpreted the look Nodoka gave Ranma. "No, no, Auntie! Ranma was a perfect gentleman, even if he didn't look like it." She gave the red-head a smirk. Ranma stuck her tongue out at her and crossed her arms. This reminded her of her current gender. She made a grab for the kettle, only to find it empty. Kasumi took the kettle back to the kitchen to heat some more water.

     Akane noticed Ranma's pout. "Don't fret Ran-chan. You look cute like that." She smiled as the girl's pout increased. She explained to Nabiki. "He hates being called cute, especially since he is."

     Nodoka sighed as she looked at her daughter - er - son. "Oh well, it can't be helped. It's not so bad when you think of what could have happened." She got up and headed for the kitchen. "We should go ahead and start dinner. It would be a shame to let all this food go to waste." She didn't have to tell them twice.


     Ranma grumbled as he adjusted the collar of his school uniform jacket.

     Nabiki walked by, heading to the table for breakfast. "What's the matter, Ranma? Surely you knew school would be starting up by the time you returned?"

     He turned to her in irritation. "Of course I knew that! I'm just anticipating the first time I get splashed; this jacket will be too tight around the chest, and these pants won't stay up."

     Nabiki added another pleasant thought. "You can take your jacket off in class, what with summer and all, but then that white shirt will show just about everything when it gets wet." She gave him a big smile. "The guys will be all over you."

     Ranma's froze in shock. "WHAT?!" He thought about it a moment. "Aw, man! What am I gonna do?!"

     Akane spoke from behind him. "You could always go in cursed form and wear a girl's uniform."

     He spun about. "Not funny, Akane!" He blinked. Akane was in cursed form, but only one of her was dressed for school. "What's up? Not going to school?"

     The one in uniform answered. "Of course I am."

     Ranma frowned. "Hey! No fair using your cursed form to get out of school."

     Now Akane frowned. "I can't both go. People would get suspicious."

     "And they won't when I change into a girl?"

     Nabiki was getting a sore neck from looking back and forth at the pair. She turned to the casually dressed Akane. "So how did you decide who would go?"

     "Well, when I changed into cursed form in the bathroom after my morning bath, we chose by 'Rock, Paper, Scissors'." She gave her twin a look. "We've split and merged enough to realize that it really is just one of us; later this evening when we rejoin, it'll be just the same as if I had gone to school. I'll have all the same memories of the me who actually went to class."

     Nodoka entered the room, carrying a book bag. She handed it to the casually dressed girl. "Good. Then you won't mind actually going."

     Akane gaped. "But Auntie! I can't go too! What - what will people say when they see two of me?"

     Nodoka placed her hands on the girl's shoulders. "You can't hide this forever, Akane-chan. Best to face it head on and explain it; there will be less trouble than if you try to hide it, then get exposed later." She looked at her son as she said the last. The boy fidgeted. "You will both go to the office first thing and explain your problem. The school will have to know about this. I've made an appointment with Dr. Ono for right after school, so stop at the clinic on your way home."

     Ranma gave her a pleading look. "Do we have to tell them?"

     Nodoka nodded. "Of course you do. How long do you think you could go before getting splashed? What about swim class? Do you really want to use the boy's showers with your curse?"

     Ranma turned green, and Akane stated the obvious. "But he can't use the girl's showers! He's a guy!"

     "And that's why you must go tell them right off. They'll have to come up with some way to handle the issues you and Ranma will face due to your curses. I don't think your curse will cause you any serious trouble in school, Akane, but Ranma faces a pretty serious disruption due to the gender issue. He can't use either the boy's or girl's facilities, and certain classes will require him to be a girl." She faced her son. "Now, young man, go put an undershirt on."

     "But Mom! It's too hot outside for an undershirt!"

     "Well, it's either that or keep this with you at all times." She held out a lacy brassiere.

     Ranma rubbed the back of his head. "Well, I'll just head back upstairs for that undershirt."

     Nodoka stopped Ranma as he passed and handed him a pair of cufflinks. "Put this through the second-to-top button hole on your shirt when you put it back on. It'll give you more room to expand without losing the button altogether." She handed her red-faced son an elastic belt and a pair of wide rubber bands. "The belt will keep your pants up; use the rubber bands on the cuffs of your pants so you don't walk on them." She let the boy go and turned back to Akane. "And you, young lady, go change into your school uniform."

     Akane looked at Nabiki and Akane helplessly for a moment. Akane just smirked at her.

     Nabiki gave her a nod. "It's for the best, sis. Besides, it'll probably be less disorienting when you rejoin later this evening if your memories aren't as divergent."

     She gaped at Nabiki.

     Nabiki sighed. "Honestly, little sister. You're the jock, and I'm the brain. Remember? I didn't listen to you and Ranma whine and moan all evening about your curses without picking up a few things." She looked reproachfully at her sister.

     The casually dressed Akane trudged upstairs in resignation while the Akane already dressed for school glared at Nabiki. "So I'm a jock, am I?"

     Nabiki laughed lightly and backed away. "No offense, Sis. Heh heh. You know what I'm talking about."

     Ranma reappeared behind his girlfriend, laying a restraining hand on her shoulder. "She's right, Kane-chan." He continued quickly when she turned a glare on him. "Not about being a jock, about the disorientation. It's probably best to do everything together, unless you intend to stay apart."

     She fought down a surge of fear. "No! I mean, yes, it's probably for the best." She didn't comment on her fear that spending too much time apart would result in the two Akanes actually becoming separate people. If that happened, Akane would lose a little of her identity; plus, one of them would have to give up her name, and more importantly, give up Ranma. As long as she could rejoin her twin, she had no fear that Ranma would have to choose between the two. She leaned into the boy lightly, taking comfort from his presence. There was no way she'd give this up, and because her twin was her, knew she felt the same.

     Nodoka studied the pair carefully. She didn't miss the tone in Akane's voice or how close the girl was to Ranma now. She'd have to have that talk with Soun now.

     Akane came back downstairs, now dressed in a girl's uniform. She moved over to Nabiki, but waved the girl off when she started to relate what was going on. "Don't bother, Nabiki. I'll remember it this evening."

     Nabiki gave her head a shake. This would take a little getting used to. The four teens accepted lunches from Nodoka and walked out the door. Nabiki walked beside Akane; they watched Akane and Ranma walking ahead of them. Nabiki glanced every now and then at her sister beside her.

     Akane noticed after awhile. "What?"

     Nabiki nodded at the pair ahead of them. "Doesn't that make you - you know - jealous?"

     She shrugged. "It did at first, but we've rejoined and split enough times to realize it's just me. Later this evening, it'll just be my memories of me walking with Ranma. It really isn't the same as if she were really my twin." She looked nervous for a moment. "Maybe if we spent too much time apart..." She trailed off and shuddered. "It may be inconvenient, but we have no intention of trying to live separate lives."

     Nabiki gave her a thoughtful look. "Because then one of you would have to give up Ranma?"

     Akane flushed and looked at the ground. "Um, yeah. I love him, and since she's me, I know she does too."

     Nabiki smiled at the admission. "So, gotten around to telling Ranma yet?"

     Akane's eyes widened as she realized what she'd admitted, and to whom she admitted it. She looked at Nabiki desperately.

     Nabiki gave her a reassuring look. "I won't say anything... for now. You really should tell him. Of course, he really should tell you too."

     "He - he's told you he loves me?"

     Nabiki's smile turned predatory. "Not in so many words, but it's pretty obvious. I've been running a betting pool on when the two of you will finally admit it to each other. Please let me know when it happens so I can pay off the winner." Her look turned business-like. "You can place a bet too, but I'll only pay off on it if Ranma admits it to you. Can't have you fixing the pool after all."

     Akane gave her a shocked look. "Nabiki! Like I'd ever do something like that! Besides, you know how I feel about these bets you organize around me and Ranma."

     "Then I guess I won't tell you the odds I'm giving." She smiled. "Besides, I'm not that bad. You'll notice I haven't run ahead to set up a betting pool about your and Ranma's curses now, have I?"

     Akane groaned as she thought of what would come when they reached school.


     As they reached the school gates, Nabiki and Akane caught up with the Ranma and Akane. Akane turned to her twin. "Ranma lost at 'rock, paper, scissors', so it's between you and me to find out who pounds Kuno." She looked her twin in the eye. "And you know he'll be an extra pain today." They both nodded.

     At the tenth try, a winner was finally chosen. The winner moved ahead to enter the gates first while the other moved over to Nabiki. Nabiki had lost track of which was which, then remembering all she'd been told, realized it didn't matter. "Why'd it take so long to choose?"

     Akane gave her a look. "We're the same person. We've sometimes gone as many as sixty rounds without someone winning. It can be irritating, having the same thoughts and speaking the same thing at the same time, but - it's also reassuring."

     Nabiki nodded. "Yes. I understand. As long as you're the same, you know you'll be able to rejoin."

     The four entered the school grounds and headed for the building. Students around them stopped talking as the noticed the small group. A few gasps were heard as recognition came. They hadn't reached the building when Kuno stepped from behind a tree, dressed as usual in a kendo outfit minus the protective mask and guards. He tapped his bokken on his shoulder lightly.

     "So, the foul and wretched Saotome disgraces our fair institution once more. I would fight with you to..." He trailed off as he spotted the other Akane beside Nabiki. He gaped for a long moment before speaking. "Heaven truly shines on the Blue Thunder today. The fair and spirited Akane has a twin!" He looked between the pair, who glowered at him darkly. "But pray tell, fair maidens, which be Akane, and which the twin? I would know thy name so that I might address you properly on our date."

     Akane blurred as she moved behind him, then sent him flying with a roundhouse kick. Kuno wound up embedded in the stone wall surrounding the school. She sighed.

     Akane walked up to her. "You know he'll probably bug us in class. He's going to take this as a sign that one of us is free of the 'cursed sorcerer' and sent as a reward for his 'valor' or some garbage like that."

     Her twin sighed again. It would be a long day.


     The class stared at the three students standing at the front of the room. The homeroom teacher addressed the class.

     "While you are all acquainted with these students, over the summer break something occurred that will affect the class. You might have already noticed part of it." He laughed slightly to himself. He was still in shock; he and the rest of the faculty had been called to the office for an explanation, complete with a demonstration by Ranma. He wouldn't have believed it if he hadn't seen it. He gestured to the three.

     Akane looked at her twin and Ranma, who was holding a glass and his jacket; his shirt was already partially wet from the demonstrations he had performed for the faculty. It was a good thing Auntie had made him wear that undershirt. "Over the summer break, we went on a training trip to China; while there, we had the bad luck to fall in a pair of cursed springs. As a result, there are two of me." She waved at her twin. "We are not two separate people - she is me and I am her. Just call us both Akane and don't think about who you are speaking with; just pretend that there is only one of us. It's easier that way."

     Ranma hated this, but, better to get it over with at once. He raised a glass of water over his head and poured it. The class gasped as he shrunk in height and swelled in the chest and hips. A shorter, busty, red-headed girl now stood in a baggy boy's uniform. Fortunately, although the boys would have disagreed, her elastic belt held the pants up. She sighed at the expressions from her classmates.

     "The spring I fell in makes me change into a girl. But - the first person to call me a girl gets it worse than Kuno!" One look at the red-head's face, when they raised their eyes from her chest, convinced the guys that she meant every word.

     Their homeroom teacher shook his head. Things were never dull with this pair around - or should that be trio now? "So, any questions?"

     There is always one who doesn't know when to leave well enough alone. "Is Ranma still gonna be using the guy's showers after P.E.?" The drool left no doubt as to the nature of his question.

     The battle-aura that sprang up around Ranma lit the class brighter than the sunlight through the window. "NOT A CHANCE, SICKO!!"

     At this, half the girls cried out and jumped to their feet. "You can't possibly mean you're going to use the girl's showers?!!" Half the boys passed out at that thought; the rest were in danger of near-fatal nose-bleeds.

     Ranma's battle-aura guttered out and she backed away. "Of - of course not! I'm a guy!" The girl's were definitely giving her the 'evil eye'.

     The homeroom teacher sighed as he tried to get the class's attention. "Special provisions have been made for Ranma. He won't be using either of the normal facilities due to the - unique - nature of his problem. He will still be in the boy's P.E. class; however, due to this same problem, he will be attending the girl's swim class." He broke off as the class dissolved into chaos once more. He sighed and sat back down in his chair. He hoped they would settle down before the first class started.


     Ranma sighed as he sat with the two girls outside; he started on his lunch, then looked up. "Well, it wasn't too bad this morning. Things may just be okay after all." The two Akanes nodded. All three winced as a bellow resounded across the school grounds.

     "SAOTOME!! How dare you try to hog both the beautiful goddesses, Akane Tendo!"

     Ranma gave the girls a pleading look. They gave him a small wave. "Have fun."

     Ranma jumped up and zipped right up into Kuno's face. "Look, jerk! There aren't two Akane's! And neither likes you anyway! So, LEAVE - US - ALONE!" He punted Kuno into the sky, then walked back to the tree were they had settled for lunch.

     "Nice kick." Both girls spoke as one. The girl on the right continued. "I think he'll land in the canal." The other nodded her agreement with the first's assessment.

     Ranma sat with a sigh and started on his lunch again. "Not too bad other than Kuno, of course."

     A voice spoke from behind him. "At least he hasn't seen your girl-form yet."

     Ranma swiveled his head to see Nabiki. His eyes narrowed. "Don't even think it, Nabiki."

     She gave him an appraising stare. "Don't think of it that way, think of it as a chance to get Kuno off you and Akane and chasing after an elusive red-head."

     Ranma stared right back. "You can't be serious. He's chasing both Akane's now, and you think he'll drop it for my girl-side? You think he wouldn't realize after awhile that she isn't even a real girl? Especially since our whole class knows. How stupid do you think he is?" Nabiki maintained her stare. "Okay, so we're talking Kuno here. I still don't think he'd leave me and Akane alone. So drop it right now."

     Nabiki rolled her eyes. "Fine, but he's going to see you in girl-form sooner or later. I just thought that if we controlled how he was exposed to her, it might just help with your problem instead of add to it."

     Ranma shared a look with the Akanes. Akane gave her sister a stern look. "We'll discuss this more tonight. Until then, you will do nothing. Got that, big sister?"

     Nabiki knew that tone. "No problem, Akane-chan. I'm sure all of us can think of something if we put our heads together." She wandered off, leaving Ranma and her little sisters to their lunches.


     Ranma met up with the Akanes after school. They had separated since P.E. was their last class.

     "So, Akane, how did the other girls take it?"

     They gave him funny look and blushed. Joining together in the showers for the girls had allowed them to share memories; one in particular from this morning came to mind.

     "What?" He was curious.

     They shook their heads. "Nothing. The girls were okay with it. We demonstrated the curse in the shower after class; I think some of the girls are still passed out from when we merged. Speaking of showers, how did they take care of your problem?"

     "There's a shower in the infirmary; they have me use that to shower and change. They also have me using one of the male faculty bathrooms. After demonstrating my curse to the faculty this morning, I don't need to worry about them trying to peek, but I still use a stall - in case a pipe bursts or something."

     The girls nodded. "Makes sense. They're men, not boys - you should be okay. Don't forget, we have to stop at the clinic on the way home."

     It was Ranma's turn to nod. "I guess Mom wants Dr. Tofu to know exactly what he'll be dealing with."

     The group left their normal route home and headed for the clinic. They were almost there when they were splashed by an old lady casting water in a shinto cleansing ritual. Ranma sighed, then continued walking.

     "I was planning to demonstrate my curse anyway, and he could hardly fail to notice that there were two of you."

     After entering, they let Dr. Tofu's assistant know they were there; the elderly woman stared a moment, then waved them to the waiting room. It wasn't long before they were called back to one of the examination rooms.

     Dr. Tofu gave them a smile. "So I hear you had a bit of a problem in China." He gave both Akanes a small bow.

     Ranma laughed. "You could say that. So, do you want a demonstration?" At the doctor's nod, she moved to the sink and turned on the hot water. Once it reached a high enough temperature, Ranma filled a glass before it could get too hot. She knew the hot water in the clinic could scald when allowed to reach its maximum temperature.

     She made sure Dr. Tofu was watching and poured the glass over her head. The doctor never blinked as Ranma grew a head taller and changed back to male form.

     "Astonishing! And it's due to a magical curse?"

     Ranma nodded his head. "Yes, the water is just the trigger to switch to and from cursed form."

     Dr. Tofu shook his head when the two Akanes gave him a nervous look. "It won't be necessary to demonstrate yours, Akane. I'll just do a simple examination and leave the rest to Dr. Yagame; I set up appointments after speaking with Mrs. Saotome." He noticed the girls calm at that; unfortunately, now he had to break that same news to Ranma. "I want to do a complete physical on your male form, but you'll have to see Dr. Yagame for your female form."

     Ranma looked from the doctor to the girls. "Who's Dr. Yagame?"

     The two girls looked at each other before one spoke. "She's a woman's doctor, Ranma. You've had a full physical from Dr. Tofu - well, she does the same sort of examination for women. It's a lot less embarrassing."

     Ranma turned red. "You mean I'd have to be naked in front of a woman?! No way!"

     One Akane rolled her eyes while the other frowned. Dr. Tofu was hiding a smile behind his hand.

     "So you'd rather be naked as a girl in front of a man?"

     Ranma tried to sort out the idea... he was a guy, he would be embarrassed having a woman doctor see him naked. But by the same token, he knew how embarrassed he had been, and still was somewhat, when he had first had to deal with his girl form. Did he want Dr. Tofu seeing him like that? He had no trouble as a guy - he had had physicals before, and Dr. Tofu would be giving him one in a moment. He finally decided; it would be less embarrassing... just slightly.

     "I guess I would rather see a woman doctor when I'm a girl."

     Dr. Tofu gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry too much; I won't take it as an insult. You're lucky there are women doctors today; a decade or two back, you'd have been stuck with a male doctor." He turned to the two girls. "After a quick checkup, one of you can start over to Dr. Yagame's; the other can show Ranma the way after I'm through with his physical."


     Ranma left the Nerima Women's Clinic still in girl form. She had shown up that way as well; as Akane had pointed out, it would attract less attention than if he showed up as a guy. If Dr. Yagame wished to see his curse, she could do so in the privacy of an examination room.

     One Akane followed Ranma out while the other stopped to bid the doctor goodbye. Ranma walked away, clutching her book bag to her chest and not looking up from the ground. Akane caught up with her quickly.

     "Ranma? Are you okay?"

     Ranma didn't say anything; she stopped at a bench and sat down. Akane sat to one side and put an arm around around her. She could feel the girl shivering. The other Akane took note of the pair and hurried over, sitting on Ranma's other side. After awhile, the girls could feel Ranma relax; the shivering slowly faded.

     Ranma glanced at the girls on either side. "Thanks, thanks for talking me into seeing Dr. Yagame. I'd have freaked if I had to go through - that - with a guy." Another shiver ran through her, but didn't persist.

     Both girls hugged her. "We knew you would. It's nothing to do with you - I wouldn't want to go through that with a male doctor either. I don't think any of my friends would either." One Akane stood and held a hand out. "Come on, let's head home. It's almost dinner time and we have lots of homework still." The red-head nodded and took her hand.

     The three walked along in companionable silence for awhile. As they neared home, they came across something out of the ordinary - a small black pig was dragging a giant pack down the sidewalk. Most of their fellow pedestrians took a look, then continued on their way. Most of their fellow pedestrians didn't have Jusenkyo curses.

     Akane elbowed Ranma. "Hey Ranma! You don't think maybe..."

     Ranma considered the situation. "Only one way to find out." She approached the pig and stood in it's path.

     The pig bumped into her leg as it dragged the pack. It looked back to see what it had run into - it looked up right into the face of the prettiest red-head it had seen in years of wandering. "Bweee!" It thunked down on it's hind quarters.

     The girl smiled and addressed the pig directly. "Um, excuse me. This might sound strange but, you didn't happen to go to a place in China called 'Jusenkyo', did you?"

     The pig reeled. Someone had addressed him directly - and asked about Jusenkyo of all places! He nodded his head.

     Two pretty black-haired girls stepped up beside the red-head. "We thought so. If you come with us, we can get you some hot water. Maybe you can stay for dinner and tell us what happened." The two smiled sweetly.

     The pig just about fainted at that. It was all he could do to nod once more. The red-head picked him up while one of the black-haired girls hefted the pack.

     "Whoa! You should feel this pack! It must weigh half a ton." Despite her exclamation, the girl carried the pack without straining too hard. The little pig's eyes widened.

     Ranma looked curious. "Really? Wow! I didn't think anyone else carried packs like that other than us." She looked at the pig in her arms. "You must be pretty strong in your normal form. You a martial artist?"

     The pig nodded.

     "Thought so. Why else would you have reason to be at Jusenkyo and carry around a pack like that."

     The Akane not carrying the pack took up the questioning. "So, are you a girl?"

     The pig shook his head.

     "Are you from around here?"

     The pig didn't shake or nod its head.

     "Hmm, you don't know where 'here' is?"

     A nod.

     "This is Nerima. Do you know where that is?"

     Another nod.

     "So, are you from around here?"

     A shake.

     "I guess anything more will have to wait until you change back."

     The three girls walked the rest of the distance in silence. They walked in to the entryway and removed their shoes. Akane dropped the pack next to the door, then started to dig through it for a change of clothes, which she draped over Ranma's arm.

     The three walked into the house. "We're home!"

     Kasumi stuck her head out from the kitchen. "Welcome back. Dinner will be ready shortly; Daddy and Auntie went out for a few things and should be back shortly. Do you want some hot water?"

     The Akanes looked at each other and shook their heads. "We probably shouldn't; we have company right now."

     Kasumi looked at them quizzically.

     Ranma held up the pig. "I'll take the kettle. We'll be right back after changing." She set her book bag down so she could take the kettle.

     Kasumi handed her the kettle and watched as they disappeared into the changing room.

     Ranma left the clothes in the changing room. The pig struggled as the girl carried him into the bathing room. He looked ready to freak as Ranma tipped the kettle. Ranma noticed and quickly figured out the problem.

     "Whoops! Sorry about that... I really should change back first."

     The pig covered its eyes. Ranma laughed and poured the kettle over her head. The pig uncovered its eyes as a masculine voice addressed it.

     "You can look now. Sorry, pal; should have told you right off I was a guy. Guess I just forgot, seeing how everyone here already knows."

     This time, the pig let him pour the water over him. The little black pig grew into a larger guy about the same age as Ranma. He adjusted the bandana he had been wearing as a pig around his neck so that it now held back his hair. He moved back into the changing room where Ranma had left his clothes.

     Ranma left the changing room. "We'll be waiting in the living room." He returned the kettle to Kasumi and joined both Akanes at the table. They had gotten the tea pot and several cups. Ranma accepted a cup with a nod of thanks.

     All three looked up as Nabiki joined them.

     "I thought I heard you come in. How'd the doctor's appointment go?"

     Both Akanes looked at Ranma, then back to Nabiki. "He had his first physical with Dr. Yagame."

     Nabiki smirked. "Really? So, everything okay Ranma?"

     Ranma turned a little green and quickly took a sip from his cup. "I'll thank you to never remind me of that again."

     Akane put an arm around him while Akane gave her older sister the evil eye. "You should be more sympathetic. I seem to remember a certain girl who came home crying after her first visit to the women's clinic."

     Nabiki flushed and looked away.

     Ranma looked back up. "Oh! We brought home a guest. He's changing in the bathroom."

     Nabiki looked at the three curiously. "Okay, I'll bite. Why'd you bring home a guest?"

     Akane let Nabiki stew a moment. She and Ranma knew how much Nabiki hated to be out of the loop. "Well, we found him dragging his pack down the street."

     Nabiki sat a moment. She gave them a glare. "And?!"

     Ranma smiled. "He was a little black pig at the time."

     "Another Jusenkyo victim?"

     The other three nodded.

     "Who is he? Where is he from?"

     Akane gestured behind Nabiki. "I guess we can find out now." The boy had finally gotten dressed. He came over to the table and accepted a cup of tea from Akane with a nod.

     Nabiki eyed the boy speculatively. "Nabiki Tendo."

     The boy gave her a bow. "I'm Ryoga Hibiki."

     Ranma dipped his head. "Ranma Saotome. This is my girlfriend, Akane Tendo." Both black haired girls bowed.

     Ryoga scratched his head. "Uh... which one?"

     Both girls laughed lightly, then spoke together. "Sorry, I have a curse too - 'Spring of Drowned Twins'. I'm really just one person."

     Ryoga stared a moment. "I can't believe I ran into two other cursed people. I thought I was the only one in Japan."

     Nabiki gave him a smile. "Glad to say I'm not a member of the club, but Daddy's got one too. 'Spring of Drowned Goat'. He and the girls - " She stuck her tongue out at Ranma. "- managed to get cursed a week ago in China."

     "So did I."

     Ranma set his cup down. "Really? Why don't you tell us your story, then we'll tell you ours."

     "Well, I was walking past Jusenkyo, only I didn't know I was, when -"

     Ranma interrupted. "Why were you in China?"

     Ryoga gave him an irritated look. "I was, uh, looking for Tokyo."

     Ranma gave him a puzzled look. "Why were you looking for Tokyo in China?"

     Ryoga just glared at him.

     Akane gave Ranma a slap on the back on the head. "Shut up, Ranma! Let him tell his story."

     Ryoga continued. "So, I was walking on this trail that passes beside Jusenkyo at one point, when this man comes running down the trail and knocks me in."

     Nabiki's eyes narrowed. "What was this man like?"

     Ryoga thought a moment. "He was tall, Japanese, had a moustache -" He scratched his head. "- and I think he was carrying something."

     Nabiki, Ranma, and both Akanes shared a look. Ranma laughed nervously.

     "R - really? How strange..." He trailed off.

     Ryoga was glaring into the distance and growling slightly. "When I find that man, I'm going to make him pay for the hell I've been through." He gave Ranma and the Akanes a look. "You two are lucky. My curse makes me a dinner entrée. You're the first people I've come across who haven't treated me like some kind of freak, or like a meal."

     Ranma looked away, while both Akanes became very absorbed in their tea.

     A call came as the front door opened. "We're home!" Nodoka entered, followed by Soun.

     As Soun came in, Ryoga eyed him a moment, then recognition hit. "You!" He jumped at Soun with a snarl.

     Soun was caught off guard and Ryoga got in a few hits before he started fighting back.

     Nabiki ignored the whole thing, while both Akanes stood to the side, watching in concern. She wanted to help her father, but didn't wish to injure the boy, understanding his anger. Ranma leaned close to Nabiki.

     "I can't believe this happened to someone besides me."

     Nabiki nodded. "Yes, this usually involves you in some way, Saotome."

     One of the Akanes entered the conversation. "Well, it does in a fashion. It's because of Ranma's father that we were even there in the first place."

     The other gestured to the fighting men. "Shouldn't we - you know - do something?"

     Nodoka moved over to join them. "Who is the young man attacking your father, Nabiki-chan?"

     "As I understand it, that is the young man Daddy ran into why fleeing the Amazons."

     "Oh my!" Kasumi had come out of the kitchen to see what was happening. "The one that caused them all to fall in the cursed springs?"

     Nabiki, Ranma, and both Akanes nodded.

     Nodoka sighed. "Ranma, Akane dear, please help separate the two. We must straighten out this mess before someone gets hurt."

     The three jumped into action. Ranma caught Soun as he sprang across the room, away from their guest, while both Akanes gave the boy a coordinated strike to the chest. They dropped into a defensive stance between the boy and Soun.

     "Leave our father alone!"

     Ryoga took their measure as martial artists and backed off, but didn't drop his guard. "This man has made my life hell! I will have my revenge!"

     One of the girls retorted. "Well, we could just as easily say it's all your fault we got our curses!" The other continued. "We were running for our lives from some Amazons when you got in the way!"

     Ryoga looked shocked. "Really? Um, I - I didn't realize -" He was feeling bad, now. He had cursed a pretty young girl. At least she didn't turn into something terrible; he didn't think he could have taken that.

     Nodoka intervened. "All right, everybody just calm down." She looked at each of the parties involved. "This has all been just one colossal accident. Everyone carried some measure of responsibility, and everyone has suffered from it. We need to stop now before it goes too far." She turned to Ryoga. "Young man, we will be glad to help you in any way until such time as we can find a cure for these Jusenkyo curses. In return, you must swear off vengeance on Soun."

     Ryoga gave one last growl towards Soun, then sank back down beside the table. "All right. I agree." He gave Ranma and both Akanes a sheepish look. "Sorry about the curses; I didn't have any idea you were being chased by the Amazons too."

     The Akanes gave him a smile. Ryoga was glad he was sitting; he didn't think his knees would have held under that smile. "It's okay. There was no way any of us could have anticipated meeting on that trail just where we did."

     Nabiki thought about the conversation and picked up the one fact that stood out to her. "Wait. You said that you were running from the Amazons too?"

     Ryoga looked embarrassed. "Yeah. I accidentally wound up in their village just before the incident at Jusenkyo. Some girl with purple hair got mad at me over something." He made sure not to mention that the something was accidentally walking in on her in the bath. He had no idea the exit to the village general store opened into someone's private bath. "Well, she started trying to fight me and I accidentally beat her. Turns out they have some silly law that if a guy beats them, they have to marry him; so now this girl thinks I'm her husband. They had me locked in a room until after their tournament when they said they'd hold the marriage ceremony, so I broke out and ran for it."

     The Akanes shared a glance. "Purple hair? Pulled into two pony tails? Just a little taller than me?"

     Ryoga nodded. "Yeah, that's her. You know her?"

     Both girls looked away as Ranma explained.

     "Akane beat her after the tournament when she challenged her. Turns out they have another silly law that says if a girl beats them, they have to kill them. That's why we were running."

     Nodoka shook her head. "It seems you all have much in common. You should try to work together instead of fighting."

     Ranma looked the boy over. "Besides, you fight pretty well. Akane and I could use another sparring partner. So... truce?"

     Ryoga looked around and sighed. "Truce."


     An effeminate young man with long brown hair, dressed in an okonomiyaki seller's outfit, and wearing a large baker's peel strapped to his back growled in frustration. He wasn't here either! He'd chase that jerk down eventually. He looked at his list and crossed off the next name. "Well, next stop - Nerima. Just you wait, Ryoga. I'll track you down sooner or later, and then, you're history."


End Chapter 2

Next time, Ryoga settles in with the Tendos. A new restaurant opens in Nerima, and a new student joins Ranma and Akane's class.

Author's Notes: Nodoka calls the doctor, Dr. Ono, while most everyone else calls him Dr. Tofo. This is due to the way Japanese address people of different status. The character's name is Tofu Ono (first name, then last name); in the TV series, his clinic is called "Ono Chiropractic", so Ono is definitely his last name. An adult who is not close would call him Dr. Ono; he tries to keep his younger patients on a more familiar basis, so they use his first name, but still use his title to show the proper respect; hence, Dr. Tofu. I have them all call the women's doctor Dr. Yagame because she tries to keep a little more strict relationship with her patients as she's not a family doctor like Dr. Tofu. Given that Ranma didn't wander Japan getting engaged to everyone, the only other likely person was Ryoga. This will come out in the next chapter when we hear Ukyo's story.

More Author's Notes: The most common complaint I had about this chapter was too many repetitions of Akane saying "we are the same person." Yes, it was a pretty common statement. You're tired of it, I'm tired of it, and the following chapters won't have it hardly anymore. It was necessary this chapter because everyone Ranma and Akane ran into needed an explanation of the curses. They're tired of it too! No one complained about Ryoga not getting lost at the Tendo home. I guess most people understand the rules regarding Ryoga's family curse: Ryoga doesn't get lost all the time; he only gets lost when it's funny. So, he doesn't get lost in the Tendo home in this chapter because it wouldn't have been funny, but he did get lost in the Amazon general store because it was. If you read the manga or really watch the anime, you'll see this is the case. A little exaggeration for fan fiction is okay, but I think I'll mostly stick to the rule for this story; so, we won't see Ryoga getting lost in a laundry hamper.