Never Alone
J.L. Hart
    I hurt.  I don’t know why I hurt, but I just do.  Mommy and daddy aren’t here, JJ is taking a nap, and Regina is in the kitchen making breakfast.  I just feel like crying.  I don’t know why, but I do.  I wish mommy was here.  She would just hold me and let me cry.  Maybe that’s what I’m missing, I want somebody to hold me and tell me that everything is going to work out, that everything is going to be ok. That mommy and daddy will come home safe and sound.  That nothing bad will ever happen to them, that they will live forever. 
      Mommy and daddy don’t know what happened yet.  They went away to the cabin for the weekend by themselves.  They only do it on special occasions, and since this past week had Jennifer Hart day, the weekend after whatever special holiday it is, mommy and daddy go away just for the weekend.  It only happens once a month and they are only gone for 2 days, and they always call and tell us goodnight, but I wish they were here now, especially mommy. 
     I guess I could tell you what happened, but I still want my mommy here. I had a bad dream. In the dream we were all playing outside when mommy and daddy said that they had to go, but they would see me in a couple of days.  Then they kissed me on the head like they always did, and walked away.  I told them to wait for me and I would go to, but they kept on walking.  I tried running after them, but I couldn’t catch them, and then the harder I started running, the farther away they got.  I woke up after that.  I don’t like this feeling.  I want my mommy and my daddy and I want them now. 
    I went down to find Regina in the kitchen.  Good Morning Sunshine she said, Your mommy and your daddy came into tell you goodbye before they left for the cabin, but you weren’t awake yet, so they left you a little something.  Its on the table, go on and see what it is, and I’ll bring you your favorite waffles.  I think I knew mommy and daddy had come to see me, but it was almost like a dream.  Just like my bad dream last night.
I ended up walking over to the table, still feeling like crying, and there on the table was a teddy bear with a heart shaped necklace on it, just like the one my mommy and I saw when we were out shopping the other day.  REGINA look!  A different, but very familiar voice said, I hoped you would like it.  ITS MOMMY ……. I love it mommy!  Thank you very much.  But you and daddy are supposed to be going away for the weekend.  We are, she said, but we couldn’t go away without saying goodbye in person.  Will you help me put my necklace on?  Sure, but first there is something that I have to tell you.  What is it mommy?  First of all the teddy bear is from your daddy, and he said that whenever you want to feel our arms around you for a hug, all you have to do is hold the bear really tight and hug him, because both your daddy and I filled it with all our hugs.  YOU DID?  We sure did princess.  I gave him the biggest hug of life.  I love you daddy giving him a kiss on the cheek.  Then mommy said that the necklace was from her.  Then she did something cool with it.  She opened it up.  She said that this is no ordinary necklace, it’s a locket and inside the locket were a picture of her and daddy.  She said that as long as I wear it, I would always have them in my heart.  BUT MOMMY you’re already there!.  About that time Regina came back into the kitchen with JJ.  And I said, What about JJ? He’s not in my locket.  Who said I was finished showing you the locket Mommy said, and with that she opened up the locket even further and there was a picture of all 4 of us, Mommy, Daddy, JJ and I.  Just remember, mommy said, that even though we maybe gone from you, for even a little while, you are never alone Sweetheart.  I love you mommy. And with that she fastened the locket around my neck and I told her I would never take the locket off.
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