Part 2
We made it out of the forest and back to Officer Scully’s car in a short period of time. He told me that if I would have kept running I probably would have made it to the road and then I could have gotten a passing motorists attention.  I told him what I did to the stranger, and he said that I did an excellent job.  I then asked him how he found me. 
He said that after the stranger, a man by the name of Dylan Stevenson, took me, Regina first called the police department and then my parents.  He said that the police met with my mommy and daddy and Regina down at the flea market and my mommy was able to describe what I was wearing.  Regina tried to run after me and the stranger, but wasn’t able to catch either of us.  But she was able to get a good description of the van, and of Mr. Stevenson.  The police then put out an All Points Bulletin on Mr. Stevenson, the van and on me.  But it seemed like we had dropped off the face of the earth, until this morning when a man matching his description came into the emergency room with a busted kneecap.  TOLD YA I WAS STRONG.  The emergency personnel called the police, and they came down there and arrested the man for kidnapping.  He then said that Dylan, the stranger, wouldn’t tell police where I was until my daddy came down there and punched the guy’s lights out.  Dylan told them to keep my daddy off of me, and they said that they wouldn’t until he told them where I was.  That’s when Dylan told the police he didn’t know where you were cause you ran away from him.  But he was able to tell us where he was the last time he saw you.  That’s when Sarge and I got called in.  We spent most of the night looking for you until it got too dark, but then when daylight came, we were back out there and that’s when Sarge found you.  I’m so glad you did Sarge, and you too Officer Scully.  Well Thank you little lady, guess what?  We’re here, and I’ll bet there are a couple of people waiting to see you.
As we walked into the emergency room I saw my daddy. Daddy, Daddy, daddy, I couldn’t stop crying.  Its ok Jessica, I’m here,……I’m here,…….. everything is going to be all right now.  I wanna go home Daddy, I want my Mommy and I wanna go home.  Well I don’t know about going home just yet, but I think I can do something about that Mommy part, turn around.  MOMMY I cried tears streaming from my face.  I could see through bleary eyes that mommy had been crying too. Oh Jessica, she said tears streaming down her eyes and hugging me to death, I don’t think I will let you out of my arms ever again. Oh yes you will Jennifer, I have to checkout my little spoilsport and make sure she’s all right ok?  Hi Spoilsport.  Hi Dr. Kerry I said softly. I didn’t want to let go of mommy either.  How about if I give you the once over and if everything checks out you can go home okay? Okay, but only if mommy comes with us.  Sure Jessica anything you want.
Dr. Kerry checked me over from head to toe and told mommy that I should be fine, but to keep an eye out and if anything goes wrong to give her a call.  She said that she would, and then we walked out of the examining room.  When we walked out of there I looked over and I saw Daddy.  He was sitting on a chair with his head in his hands and when he looked up at me I could tell he had been crying. Daddy I said walking over to him and straight into his arms. Jessica, oh god it feels so good to have you back in my arms.  Don't cry daddy, I’m here.  I know princess, I know, he said hugging me the whole time.  Can we go home now?  Dr. Kerry said that I didn’t have to stay here tonight, and that I could go home with you and mommy so can we go home now?  Anything you want princess, anything you want.  Can we get Ice Cream on the way home?  Sure princess, Lets go home.
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