Welcome to

Barry's Page

My name is BARRY.
I live with my mom in a small town in Pennsylvania. 
I am 3 years old.    I am a feline leukemia kitty. 
This is my story.

My life didn't start out very well.  I was abused and abandoned by my first family.  For several months I had no home. I lived in a field and relied on the kindness of strangers.  No more!! 
Now I have a comfortable home with a mom who loves me
and takes care of me.
Now I have more toys, more attention and more love
than any kitty could ever want.

The only drawback to my life right now is that I am positive for feline leukemia.
See next page for more of my story and
links to information about this awful disease. 

But even though testing positive for this disease limits
what I can do with my life,
I am still "the Mighty Barry!!"

Visit and Sign My Guestbook

Please sign my guestbook. I would love to hear from you!!

Want to link to my page?
Please copy this banner and link to:
Barry's Page Banner

And please remember:  "special needs" kitties (like me)
deserve loving homes too!!

URGENT!!! Two "special needs" kitties need to find a home now!! URGENT!!
Please click on my feline leukemia page for details on how you can help!!

Banner, Award and Main Page Graphic Created and Designed by:

Other Graphics by:

Daisy's Creations

Ravette Custom Design

Cat Stuff

Beware of the Cat Graphics

Next Page


Email Barry

Last updated October 23, 2000