John L. van Popta
     I am the minister of Fellowship Canadian Reformed Church in Burlington, Ontario. I officially began my work there in April 2006, but have been preaching and teaching there since the fall of 2005.
You can find a link to our church's
website here.
      Previous to that, I was the minister of the Canadian Reformed Church in
Coaldale Alberta. I was installed there as Pastor in August, 1998 after serving nearly five years in Ottawa, the nation's capital. I have received a BA from Trinity Western University and earned my M.Div. at the Theological College the Canadian Reformed Churches in Hamilton Ontario.
You can find links to some of my sermons
I've written essays on various subjects. You can find some of them
Our 3rd  son, Julian, was diagnosed with A.L.L. (leukemia) in August of 1996. Click here to find a father's journal
Favorite Links:
Canadian Reformed Churches

My Brother George and I share a domain
Fellowship Church Catechism Page