"I guess he's kind of a band mascot"
Bugg is a Weimreiner-Husky taken care of by James' roommate Rob Austin and is known to dine on Iams
Question:  How is bugg?
Bugg is fantastic. He's a good man. Actually he's a good dog.
-Live chat with Billy and James at  the
Official Smashing Pumpkins Website; July 14, 1999
Question:  Everyone wants to know how Bugg is?
Bugg is "buff" these days and some people are saying he's got one of those "ripped" looking stomachs. I take him to the new "canine crunch" gym 5 times a week and instead of  "Bugg Superstar" he's a regular "Bugg Schwarzenegger" "I'll be bacckkk"
-Interview with Gail Gutterball for the
Official Smashing Pumpkins Website; June 1, 1999
Question:  ...how's Bugg?
James: Bugg is in the upstairs bedroom so that he won't be bothering us with the online chat. He's great though
-Live chat with James on AOL; Febuary 26, 1998
Question:  How is your dog Bugg doing?
[laughs] Um... Bugg is fine. He was a little overweight and I took him to the vet and they said "he's a little overweight, James..."
Yeah, and the band's kind of alarmed cause we don't get to see Bugg as much as we used to. And he is FAT!
...Everyone was a little shocked.
And the the dog is embarassed.
He feels bad about it. What we did, we sent him to D'arcy's fat farm to lose a little weight and he got in a few scraps with some other dogs. But he's lost a little weight.
-Love is Suicide Interview; 1997
"Potato dog, Salmon Dog, Pterodactyl Dog, Bugg Dog, Bugg-a-Gaiorno, Buggalini- these are but a few of the nicknames I have given to my dog, Bugg, symbolizing the trust that grew between a boy and his dog. Five years ago, a puppy was given to a roommate of mine as a present. At first he was welcomed for his cuteness, but she soon disowned him after realizing how much work a puppy created (plus he grew to the size of a smallish prarie-grazing bison). Though I had never owned a pet and regarded them as a waste of time, I felt bad for Bugg and began to help out by taking him for walks, checking his food and water dish, and, reluctantly, cleaning up after him. After a while I had a respect for the beast and I enjoyed the responsibility. And I've seen Bugg grow from the boy that nobody wanted into a strong, loyal and loving, uh...dog."
-"A Boy and His Dog" in Sassy; March 1994
"Uhh... I don't know if I can speak for Bugg [Superstar, Iha's dog] at this moment, but he's dealing with it as any other canine might."
-James on Bugg dealing with fame
If any one has any other quotes about Bugg from past interviews or articles please e-mail me with the clip and the source and if possible the date, month, and/or year
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