Friday, December 3
The lectionary reading for today is Hebrews 11: 1-7, 32-40. " Hebrews 11 is one of the great chapters of the Bible.  The structure of the chapter is clear."*  Verses 1-7 provide a general introduction to the subject of faith and refers to creation.  The faith of the three major characters up to the flood:  Noah, Enoch, and Able.  Verses 32-40 refer to Gideon, Barok, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel and three prophets who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised.  They escaped the edge of the sword and thus weaknesses were turned into strengths.  Yet, others were tortured, wandered the desert, and were put to death because of their faith.  These were also commended but did not receive what they were promised.  The chapter ends with God having better plans for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.  Does the modern day Christian have that kind of faith when facing death at the hands of evil?  I am sure that we can cite special ones in that airplane that landed in a cornfield in Pennsylvania on 9-11.

Faith in the New Testament can have a variety of meanings.  It can mean the assurance of what one hopes will happen.  Faith can also mean no more than the acknowledgement of a fact.  It can mean a personal commitment.  Roger Hahn feels that the English work "trust" may be a better translation of the Greek.  Trust is both a noun and a verb and it speaks of an investment or commitment of oneself.  The assurance of things for which one hopes is a confident, serene "trust" in God.

Faith is the proof of things not yet seen.  It is a way of knowing that certain things that have not happened will happen.  It is very simple to say but often very difficult to do.  In many of the previous devotionals that I have written, I have referred to "control".  We, by nature, want to be in control.  I think that true faith or trust is giving up that control.  This is very difficult for me.  Yet, the only times that I have found inner peace is when I gave up that control to God with the knowledge that He could handle what I could not.

*Hahn, Roger.  Christian Resource Institute

Carol L. Brown