Lord Hasenpfeffer

(aka Thumper)

Once upon a time, there was a rabbit who needed a home while his mom found a new house in a city far away. He looked at homes with other rabbits, but they were TOO full. He looked at homes without rabbits, but they were TOO uptight.

Then he found a home without rabbits, but with RATS and birds and snakes and even a dog and a cat! It was perfect!

Making friends with the dog was no problem. The rats were so full of themselves, however, that Thumper had to change his name to "Lord Hasenpfeffer" just to avoid ridicule. This was alright with Thumper, who wasn't sure he approved of the blatant anti-hunting sentiments espoused by that Disney propaganda piece "Bambi", anyhow.

Besides, Thumper figured he was too damn cute to have to worry about hunters.

A princess kissed him once, but he didn't turn into a prince or anything. He was having way too much fun just being a rabbit.

The End. (What did you expect, Aesop?)