
after viewing the ASCII art text pages, use the "back" button on your browser to return to this page

1) Use your copy/paste feature. Highlight the specific ASCII picture that you want to
 save and click "copy". Save it onto whatever text editor or word processing software
 that you like. (I use Windows notepad.)

 You may want to adjust your screen size.  I've found that if you have a screen larger
 than 600 pixels, the copied ASCII art is saved too far to the right margin.

 2) If you want to copy the colored pictures, you will have to copy the HTML source
 code. Simple copy/paste will not work. Please be aware that the colorized pictures
 are not coded for use in mIRC. See mIRC Colorization info page. There are several
 ways that ASCII art can be colorized-- HTML codes , mIRC codes, ANSI codes- to
 name a few. I've colorized using HTML codes. These pictures can be used on a
 website. If you do so, I ask that you link back to my site (you could add the link through
 the "jgs").

 3) Sometimes the pictures look "skewed" after you've saved them. If this happens to
 you, check the font. Chances are that you are viewing the ASCII art in a
 proportional-type font. Changing the font or saving the picture to another editor will
 solve the problem. This also happens in different mail readers. Check your font. If in
 doubt, see the mini-FAQ.

      3a) Outlook Express Users-- to show plaintext, click on "Tools/ Options". Click
      the "Read" tab. Click the "Fonts" button. Select "Courier" or another
      non-proportional font for ALL of the listboxes. Then select smallest size. Click

      3b) AOL and WebTV Users-- to my knowledge there are no font options for a
      non-proportional or fixed-width font-- unless you are using AOL4.0  (I'm not sure
      about WebTV). However be assured that the ASCII art you send can be
      received correctly by 90%+ of other internet users.

 4) Please don't write to me asking for a complete collection or a zip file of all the ASCII
 art. I add new pictures to this collection all the time. I don't have a zip file available and
 won't because I don't have the time to constantly update a zip file.

 5) Also, please don't write to me asking for the program I use to create these
 pictures-- I don't use one! If you really want a program to convert pics to ASCII, go to
 the FAQ. I don't guarantee great results with any program, however.

 6) I often fill requests-- but only if time and inspiration permits. If you would like me to
 create something, please suggest it to me. I'll see what I can do.
 (NO lettering/names, please - use FIGlet)

 7) Once again, please leave my initials intact. Non-commercial use only-- unless
 arrangements have been made. Links to this web site are appreciated as are
 postcards from your home city/country. -see Guidelines

 Thanks again. Enjoy my ASCII art! Share them with a friend!

-- all ASCII artwork copyrighted ©1996-00 -- Joan G. Stark -- All Rights Reserved .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.

