Filming Memories


Juliet Aubrey who plays Ginny Lamington says that portraying a whip-cracking horsewoman with plenty of gentleman callers proved to be a fun experience.

"I like to do different work and keep the characters fresh so Ginny was great. She runs a riding school and her hobby is entertaining gentlemen in her afternoons off.

"I had to wear jodhpurs and a riding outfit with a cravat. Ginny comes across as very strict which is appealing to her gentleman friends - the sterner the better. She has a rack of whips and chooses the whip according to each particular client and their requests!

"I liked her and it was great to play someone so completely ruthless. To have that capacity of not caring about anyone apart from herself is quite liberating. I also love riding and I have done since I was a kid so I wasn't fazed at the audition at all."

Juliet prepared by visiting different riding stables. "I wanted to get into the nitty-gritty of it, to try and understand Ginny's character. The stables I visited were really helpful. I found a directness and straightforwardness about them, which I tried to use. They are very caring too and they look after the horses throughout the winter. It's a very outdoor life - apart from when you are indoors entertaining clients!"