Club Time
to Change
The club time will change from 12.15-1.15 to 5.15-6.15 on Saturdays from Saturday 4th October.

After having consulted with most of our membership in a series of meetings we have concluded that  we have no choice but to accept this move although we wish it to be known that we do so under protest.

We will make every effort to ensure that the club activities do not change and although, understandably, we may lose many of our current membership, we hope, over time, to build the club up again as soon as possible.

There will be a membership freeze until January and anyone can come along on a weekly basis until then, just paying £2.50 at the desk.

The Ice Bowl management had also informed us that our rink hire fee was to rise from £110 to £150 per session. They have since agreed to postpone the increase until January to give us some time to adjust to the new times. We hope to keep our prices at their present level regardless.

We appreciate your support over the years and we understand that it may be too inconvenient for some of you to attend at the new time, however we can assure you that we won't be killed of easily, regardless of what petty obstacles are put in our way. We'll still be here and we'll still provide the same excitement and fun for all the family, and all ages,  for years to come.

Joe Passmore