Quote of the week


....While describing what it's like to work with certain co-workers.....

Kind of like trying to snort a flaming piece of Lucky Charms through my nose.

                                     Rob Schultz

Choose from the following dates

March 15, 2001 -- Melissa Richardson
December 26, 2001 -- Kevin McCann and Jeff Johns
December 30, 2001 -- Mark Shields, Doug Pack, and Timmy P
March 09, 2002 -- Kevin McCann
March 27, 2002 -- Jeff Schilling
April 30, 2002 -- Kevin McCann
May 3, 2002 -- Dustin Lebau and Joe Sciullo
May 8, 2002 -- Gary Camptella
May 12, 2002 -- Bob Collet
July 3, 2003 -- Kevin McCann
September 11, 2003 -- 'Disco' Rob Schultz
September 22, 2003 -- Stacey Pressman (Page2, ESPN.com)
November 24, 2003 -- Disco Rob & Timmy P
December 17, 2003 -- Jason Casciato
January 22, 2004 -- Mike Drevitch & Timmy P
July 26, 2005 -- 'Ghetto Fab' Rob Schultz

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