Do You Need Sex?     

This message has been sent to you for good luck in sex. The original is in a room in Palaiseau. It has been sent around the world nine times. Now the sex message has been sent to you.

A hot man or woman (but not both) will visit you within four days of receiving this message provided you, in turn, send it on. If you don't then you will never again receive good sex for the rest of your life. You will eventually become celibate, or remain that way. Send copies to people you think need sex (who doesn't?). Do not keep this message. This message must leave your e-mail in 96 hrs. Please send to ten people and see what happens in four days. Since the copy must tour the world, you must send this to 10 friends and associates. After four days, you will get a surprise.

And if you believe this, have I got a bridge for you!
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