What Guys Really Mean When...

**Keep this in mind next time he changes his font color**

Green - I love you!

Blue - I'm cool

Purple - I'm Sexy

Pink - I'm gay

Red - I'm feeling romantic

Yellow - I'm happy

Orange - I'm a psycho

Aqua - I'm sad

**What He Says...What he means**

He says: "I'll call you tomorrow!"
He means: "Be lucky If I ever call again!"

He says: "I just wanna be friends"
He means: "Thats the excuse I could think of not 2 go out with you"

He says: "Lets go back to my place"
He means: "Lets get it on!"

He says: "I like those pants!"
He means: "I wonder how fast I can get them off of u!"

He says: "You look a lot better this year!"
He means: "Last year you were a dog!"

He says: "Yea, you look cute, I guess"
He means: "You are butt ugly!"

He says: "I like your shirt a lot"
He means: "I like whats under more!"

**Keep this in mind next time when he kisses u**

A kiss on the hand--Ur nice, but no.

a kiss in the lips--Ur hot

A kiss on the cheek--I love you

Anyhwere else--Um...maybe he loves u a lil 2 much.
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