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Black Shadow

Curled into a fetal position,
this woman's heart remembers the shadow
which stole into her room at night
and robbed her of her innocence.

Blooming into adulthood
those memories put aside
she walked and talked and lived
as if the shadow never came.

She was only seven,
so innocent and pure...
"But that was many years ago"...
she sighed, as life rushed by.

Fetal position of night
followed into her day.
Doors stayed shut inside her heart.
No one allowed too close...she hides.

Then comes the day the doors burst open.
Terror surrounds for now she knows,
shadow must be banished,
monster of the past acknowledged.

She's only just begun her fight
to uncurl and spread her wings in flight,
to become the woman, mother, wife and friend
released from the cocoon of fetal repose.
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Pray with me for my friend who dares
to face this black shadow today
and for the many others who have known images of figures
blocking moonrise in their childhood rooms...

~Lindy Jo Jones~
August 11, 2001




This page is dedicated to survivors of child abuse and molestation.
The verse is inspired by my courageous and beautiful friend,
Lady Serenity

You hear no music on this page
for music does not play in rooms where shadows hide.



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  Enter into Lindy's World of Feelings
                                                                  August 11,  2001