The Boys Who Feared No Noise --Photos of Noncommissioned Officers and Enlisted Men

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Unidentified soldier from Company E.
Courtesy of Kentucky Historical Society

John Daeuble, a native of Muelheim am Bach in
Wuerttemberg, Germany, resided in Louisville and
rose from Private to 1st Sergeant in Company E,
mortally wounded at the Battle of Pickett's Mill
Courtesy of Gus Daeuble

Sgt. John Nichter, Company E,
a resident of Louisville and
a native of Doerrmbach, Bavarian Rhineland,
Discharged 10/6/62 for Disability
Photo from the Louisville Anzeiger 1898

Victor Stein, a native of Melle, Hannover, Germany,
resided in Louisville,and served as Commissary Sgt.
Source Louisville Anzeiger

Pvt. Henry C. Terrell of Company D,
a farmer from Mt.Eden in Spencer County
Photo Credit: Marguerite Ledden

Elisha S. Brown from Spencer County,
in prewar militia uniform,
served as 1st Sgt. in Company D.
Two of his brothers also served in Company D.
Courtesy of Hugh T. Crutcher

Henry Altfeltis,wearing a G.A.R. Medal.
A private in Company I, he was severely wounded at the Battle of Shiloh
Courtesy of John A. Altfeltis

Matthew Herth,Company E, a private from Louisville,
wounded Sept. 19, 1863 at the Battle of Chickamauga.
Courtesy of Joe Herth

John W. Chilton, Company H,
a private from Henry County,
served full three-year enlistment
Courtesy of Roberta Waterbury

John P. Easley, Company D, a sergeant from Shelby County, was
wounded and disabled on Dec. 31, 1862 at the Battle of Stones River.
Courtesy of Bill Easley

James H. Hall, Company B,
a Wagoner from La Grange ,
served full three-year enlistment
Courtesy of Russell Hall

Frank Dienst, Compamy G, a private from Louisville,
wounded at Missionary Ridge on Nov. 25, 1863

Courtesy of Donna Broster

John Gordon Shuck, Company H
a private from Franklinton,
wounded and disabled on Dec. 31, 1862 at the Battle of Stones River.

Robert W. Pemberton, Company B,
a private from Louisville,
wounded Sept. 19, 1863 at Battle of Chickamauga.
Courtesy of Jordan Ricketts

John Summit, Company D,
a private from Anderson County,
served three years.
Courtesy of Mel Yurt

Henry Wulf, Company G,
a private from Louisville,
served full three-year enlistment
Courtesy of Steve Jones

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