Selections from Small Voices: Microscopic Paintings

These pieces are shown here at something approximating their actual size (depending on your monitor), smaller than a postage stamp. Three of the selections - "Bug", "Piggy Goes to Church", and "Little Pink Clown" - are actually about 1/4 smaller than the size shown here!

Due to the great difficulty in photographing such tiny items, the image quality varies greatly. Some of these were sold on the evening of the show and for those we had to use the best available image. Click on an image for an extreme enlargement, and place your pointer over each image for its title.

Boris Karloff Downtown
Skeleton on Telephone
Nude with Bowling Ball
Nude on the Roof
Casper the Ghost Visiting his own Grave
Erica at the Beach
Fred Flintstone in Hell
Drunk Detective
Clown Strangling Clown
Alien Pumping Gas
Piggy goes to Church
Estill County