Greatest Respect to Leader Kim Jong Il,

Brilliant Commander Born of Heaven


- On the 16th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il¡¯s assumption

of the Supreme Commandership -


It was a landmark event for the Korean nation to uphold great leader Kim Jong Il who is possessed of matchless military wisdom and commandeering art, and rich history and exploits of army leadership as the supreme commander of the Korean People's Army on December 24, 1991.

Kim Jong Il developed the idea and exploits of President Kim Il Sung for building the Juche-oriented armed forces through outstanding military wisdom and profound ideo-theoretical activities and set forth the program to model the entire army on the Juche idea, an immortal program in building the revolutionary armed forces.

Putting up the modeling of the entire army on the Juche idea as the general task of building the revolutionary army Kim Jong Il set forward the slogan "Let us fight devotedly for the great leader!" and saw to it that the politico-ideological work of the People's Army is consistent with educating the servicemen with the loyalty to the party and the leader, and the struggle to establish the monolithic system of idea and leadership in the entire army is intensified incessantly.

Under the energetic leadership of Kim Jong Il the KPA was built into the army of the leader and the party in actuality, being imbued only with the leader¡¯s revolutionary idea, the Juche idea, and strengthened into a-match-for-a-hundred revolutionary armed forces equipped with modern military hardware and the Juche-oriented military tactics, and the whole country was turned to an impregnable fortress.

On the basis of penetrating into the new situation in the 1990s when socialism was collapsed in some countries and the highhandedness and arbitrariness and the aggression and plunder moves of the imperialist reactionary forces were getting more desperate on the international arena, Kim Jong Il set up the Songun politics on a comprehensive way as the main political mode of socialism and developed the Juche cause of Songun revolution into a new higher stage.

The Songun politics enforced by Kim Jong Il is a powerful mode of politics in the present era that places the military affaires above other state affaires, strengthens the People's Army into a matchless revolutionary army to secure the safety of the fatherland and the revolutionary gains, and strongly prepares the driving force of the revolution and dynamically pushes forward the overall socialist construction with the People's Army as the hard core and main force.

Today the KPA has grown up to the rank strong in ideology and faith armed with the spirit of devotedly defending the leader, the spirit of human bombs and the self-sacrificing spirit under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il and become vanguard standard-bearers who uphold in the van the Songun leadership of the Supreme Commander.

Thanks to the outstanding and experienced leadership of Kim Jong Il the KPA is strengthened to a matchless army equipped with powerful defensive and offensive means enough to defeat any formidable imperialist enemy, and the DPRK could achieve the vigorous advance toward victory in the revolution and construction with the ever-victorious military force, never tolerating any pressure or tyranny of the outsiders.

 Kim Jong Il provided the milestone of reunification common to the north and south of Korea which embodied the noble idea of ¡°By our nation itself¡± with the Songun politics, a genuine patriotic politics and the powerful war deterrent guaranteeing peace and security on the Korean Peninsula to open up the era of independent reunification.

The exploits of leader Kim Jong Il who developed the KPA into the standard-bearers and vanguard force of Songun revolution to create a new history of epochal change in carrying out the revolutionary cause of Juche and open up a new phase for the country¡¯s reunification will shine forever.

Therefore, the south Korean people positively support and follow the Songun politics of leader Kim Jong Il with the unshakable conviction that the national reunification will surely be realized and the future of the nation is very bright because they have Kim Jong Il, as the great leader of the nation, who is endowed with wisdom and pluck of the brilliant commander as gifted traits.



Comrade Kim Jong Suk is immortal

- On the occasion of the 90th birth anniversary of Kim Jong Suk -


The south Korean people highly praise with boundless reverence Kim Jong Suk, anti-Japanese woman hero, who performed great exploits for the country¡¯s liberation and the cause of national reunification, whenever they look up to leader Kim Jong Il, great man born of heaven, who enjoys the adoration as the bright sun of the independent era.

- Anti-Japanese woman hero who exalted her life by devotedly defending the leader

General of Mt. Baekdu Comrade Kim Jong Suk created and glorified the history of devotedly defending the leader grasping firmly the arms of Mt. Baekdu either in the days of the anti-Japanese war or in the days of building a new nation.

Uncountable are the battlefields where she secured the safety of President Kim Il Sung as a shield and fortress and guaranteed the security of the Headquarters by luring the enemy into herself during the arduous anti-Japanese war.

She defended the lines and the operational policies of the revolutionary Headquarters by resolutely fighting a turncoat of the revolution at the Chongbong secret camp during the period of the Arduous March, frustrated the enemy¡¯s devilish plots to do harm to the Headquarters by poisoning the salt, dried the washed clothes of the President within her body in bitter cold weather of 40 degrees below zero, made with sincerity a winter coat quilted with cotton for the President after hearing that bullets cannot penetrate the cotton and made a shoe liners for the President with her own hair.

These facts show the lofty mentality of the woman general of Mt. Baekdu for devotedly defending the leader.

After the country¡¯s liberation she regarded the safety of the President as the most important work and devoted her all for it, remaining still a lifeguard.

- Mother of revolution who brought up the great sun

Kim Jong Suk brought up Comrade Kim Jong Il to a future general on the folds of military uniform permeated with gun smoke in the vast Baekdu plain.

That she had Kim Il Sung¡¯s nation enjoy the blessings of leaders and generals generation after generation by bringing up the bright future for succeeding the revolutionary cause of Songun and guaranteed the infinite prosperity of the nation is the greatest of her feats.

- Undying exploits for the cause of national reunification

Even after the country¡¯s liberation she did not put off the military uniform permeated with the gun smoke of Mt. Baekdu but devoted her all to realizing the intention and plans of the President for national reunification.

She led all the compatriots to upholding the President¡¯s idea and leadership of great national unity.

She took the necessary measures for the participation of women delegates in the joint conference of the representatives of political parties and social organizations of the south and the north of Korea held in Pyongyang in April 1948 to have them receive the President¡¯s line of independent reunification and idea of the great national unity.

Her trust and love for the south Koreans were particularly immense.

She warmly treated the compatriots from south Korea in firm trust in their national conscience even though they did not live proudly before the nation in the past, explained the President¡¯s policy of national reunification to them and gave teachings that they should direct the spearhead of struggle to the US imperialists, ringleader of Korea¡¯s division, inculcating patriotism and firm faith and volition for reunification in their minds.

 Such a deep and ardent trust and love of Kim Jong Suk became an engine that dynamically propelled the south Korean people from different social standings to the struggle for implementing the President¡¯s idea of the great national unity and policy of national reunification.

Therefore, the south Korean people highly praise the exploits Comrade Kim Jong Suk performed for the cause of the great national unity and country¡¯s reunification by the energetic activities having noble love for the country and nation.