Great President Kim Il Sung,

Ever-victorious Iron-willed Brilliant Commander




July 27, the Day of Great Victory



Kim Il Sung delivers a radio address

to the entire Korean people (June 26, 1950)



On July 27, 1953, the heroic Korean People¡¯s Army won historic victory in the fierce three-year-long Fatherland Liberation War against the armed invasion of the US.

The US which illegally occupied south Korea after World War II launched an armed invasion against north Korea in a bid to realize its wild ambition of world hegemony.

Mobilizing a third of its ground force, a fifth of its air force, most of the Pacific fleet, military troops of 15 satellite countries and south Korea, more than 2 million in all, and tremendous military hardware into the Korean front, the US imperialists attacked north Korea in all fronts of the ground, sky and sea.

The war provoked by the US was a severe trial for the Korean people to all intents and purposes.

The enemy of Korea, small and young after 5 years of its liberation from the Japanese colonial rule and 2 years of the foundation of its republic, was the US, which styled itself the ¡°strongest¡± in the world, and the international reactionary forces.

However, the Korean people rouse up in high spirits, defeated the US aggressors and reliably defended dignity and pride of the country displaying the spirit of self-sacrifice and mass heroism.



KPA soldiers rushing forward waving the DPRK flag



The imperialist aggressors lost 1,567,128 troops including 405,498 Americans and suffered damage or destruction of 12,220 aircrafts, 3,255 tanks and armored vehicles, 13,350 trucks, 560 warships, 7,690 guns and 925,150 rifles.

The myth of ¡°mightiness¡± of the US was smashed into smithereens and the US suffered defeat for the first time in its 200-odd rounds of aggressive war.

Under the wise leadership of President Kim Il Sung the heroic Korean People¡¯s Army and people valiantly fought to register startling miracles and proud merits in the world history of war.


Kim Il Sung advances a strategic policy




Kim Il Sung encourages soldiers advancing southward

to defeat the US imperialist aggressors



The President wisely led the Korean people and army with the outstanding leadership ability and the extraordinary military strategy shouldering the whole burden of the state affaires during the serious period of the Fatherland Liberation War.

The Juche-based line of army building and the outstanding Songun leadership of respected President Kim Il Sung were the key factors in the brilliant victory of the war.


Kim Il Sung acknowledges the enthusiastic cheers of

the servicepersons and people who won victory

in the Fatherland Liberation War (July 28, 1953)



Therefore, the south Korean people and the progressive humankind are admiring respected President Kim Il Sung as genius of military strategy, ever-victorious iron-willed brilliant commander and symbol of victory, who safeguarded the world peace and rendered undying contribution to the independence cause of mankind by leading the great Fatherland Liberation War to a brilliant victory.



Glory to the 54th anniversary of the victory

in the Fatherland Liberation War!