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Robert Yap Kim Choo & Lily Yee


Enthusiasm, determination and perseverance are the keys to SUCCESS

Amway is indeed a wonderful, viable business! We can attest to this because we have had experience with other direct selling companies. In selling insurance and investing in stock market. Despite all these endeavours, we never found the financial security and freedom that we yearned.


It was in April 1994 that we met our sponsor Diamond Direct Distributors Cheong Kwee Fatt & KIm Mooi . After they shaed their experience with us, Robert decided to sign up. However, I was still hesitant because we had joined Amway before back in 1986 and resigned after 3 months. We would like to thank Emerald Direct Distributors Wong Kam Waing & Kuew Tieng  for helping us to see the value of the business.


A month later, we decided to go full-time and started with the basics of 3S+M, namely selling, sponsoring, servicing customers and attending meetings. Within four years, we qualified as Diamond Direct Distributors. Those years weren't easy. They were fraught with challenges and discouragement. For instance, our sponsors left for China shortly after we joined, so we were left without our direct upline. Determined to succeed, we continued conducting meetings and training sessions.


To date, we have been invited to four Amway Leadership Seminars, namely to Las Vegas, Hawaii, Gold Coast and Los Angeles/Ada this year. We would like to share with you our motto for our Amway business: "Maintain a high level of enthusiasm for the business, be determined to achieve your goals and never be discouraged by challenges."

We take this opprtunity to thank the leaders and Distributors of Team Power International for their cooperation go to our sponsor Diamond Direct Distributors Cheong Kwee Fatt & Kim Mooi, and upline Dr. Wong Siew Fang & Celia. To all the Diamonds and other leaders who have helped and so generously shared their experiences with us, thank you very much. You will always have a special place in our hearts. See you at the top!!


View other Diamond Profile:
Executive Diamond :                      Dr.Wong Siew Foong & Celia
Diamond Direct:                              Cheong Kwee Fatt & Kim Mooi
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Diamond  Recognition Night at PWTC, 27th, Oct 1998