ðHgeocities.com/jwf_papajoe/inferno_results.htmlgeocities.com/jwf_papajoe/inferno_results.htmldelayedxÙ^ÕJÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÈ –‡(OKtext/html€ØÊœ‡(ÿÿÿÿb‰.HFri, 06 Jun 2008 19:03:03 GMTËMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *Ø^ÕJ‡( Friday Night Inferno
Main Event - Handicap Match
Alex Braun & Raven-Hawk vs Jack Krome - No contest
First Krome comes out and then Raven-Hawk comes out.  Finally Alex Braun comes out, but he doesn't look happy to be there.  In fact he doesn't even do any poses.  Once he gets to the ringside he hops up on the apron.  Before he can get in the ring he is met with a superkick by Raven-Hawk.  Everyone is shocked as the bell rings and Raven-Hawk and Jack Krome go to work on one another.  The match is pretty well evened until Raven-Hawk starts to eventually get the upperhand.  Once that happens Alex Braun slides into the ring and spear tackles Raven-Hawk.  The two men start punching eachother rolling around the ring and the bell rings to end the match.  Jack Krome leaves as security runs down and pulls the two men apart.

T.V. Title #1 Contendership
Backdraft dts. Riley Snipes
Both men were very impressive in this match.  However Backdraft was even more so.  About half way through the match Blacdraft takes complete control and dominates the rest of the match.  In the end Backdraft hits the Gate To Hell and gets the pin 1..2..3!

Xtreme Title #1 Contendership
Rock & Roll God dfts. Rockin' Lunatic
Rock & Roll God and Rockin' Lunatic were both impressive in this match.  Showing that either of them could have won the Battle Royal at the ppv.  However Rock & Roll God's veteran status eventually came into play.  He was able to last the match longer and after hitting the Red, White, & Blue Kick he gets the pin 1..2..3!

Pink Slip Match
Raphael dfts. Xaveir Serikaz & Chad Styles
This match was dominated by Raphael.  His debut to the JWF was highly impressive.  He showed that he did not deserve to be in this match.  Chad Styles spent most of this match just avoiding getting pinned.  In the end Raphael hits his finishing move Flippin' Out and gets the pin 1..2..3!  Meanwhile Chad Styles is standing on the outside of the ring just happy he's still in the JWF.