Final Fantasy IV Translation Guide
System: Super Famicom/SNES & PlayStation
By Joseph Witham
Web Site:
Version 2.0 - 10/5/2001

I. Opening Copyright Notice
II. Version History
III. Translation notes
IV. Magic
 1. White Magic
 2. Black Magic
 3. Call Magic
 4. Ninja Magic
V. Items
VI. Closing Copyright Notice


This guide is Copyright 2001 Joseph Witham(
Anyone who desires to reproduce, distribute, or use this guide on their web 
site has the author's permission under the following conditions:
 1. It must not be altered in any way.
 2. It must not be used for profit, it must be distributed freely.
 3. Any and all credit must be given to the author, Joseph Witham.
 4. It must remain in its entirety, with every part intact.
All information in this guide, unless otherwise noted, was compiled and 
written by the author.  You may not reproduce any information from this guide
and use it in any other publication without written consent of the author.


2.0 - 10/5/2001
 -Descriptions and costs added to each translation.
 -Fromat changes.

1.5 - 4/20/2001
 -Mistakes corrected.
 -Romaji removed.
 -Format changes made.

1.0 - 9/24/2000
 -Initial Release.


JAPANESE TEXT: A EUC-JIS shift program is required to view the Japanese text 
in this guide. You can download one directly from NJSTAR's web site here:
Save this document to your hard drive and then open it through NJStar 
Japanese WP.  The document is best viewed and printed in Courier New point 10 

TRANSLATION: Most of the Katakana in this guide was translated phonetically.  
The only exceptions were words that wouldn't have made sense had they been 
translated phonetically.  All of the Hiragana in this guide was translated as 
directly as possible from their Japanese names.  Some of the names are based 
on the official US translations of Final Fantasy II and Final Fantasy 



ケアル - Cure
 DESCRIPTION: Restores a small amount of HP.
 MP: 3

ホールド - Hold
 DESCRIPTION: Stuns enemy, disabling commands.
 MP: 5

ライブラ - Peep
 DESCRIPTION: Views target's HP and weakness.
 MP: 1

スロウ - Slow
 DESCRIPTION: Decreases speed.
 MP: 14

サイトロ - Sight
 DESCRIPTION: Gives a wider perspective of overworld map.
 MP: 2

レイズ - Raise
 DESCRIPTION: Restores life.
 MP: 8

ケアルラ - Cure 2
 DESCRIPTION: Restores a medium amount of HP.
 MP: 9

プロテス - Protect
 DESCRIPTION: Increases Defense Power.
 MP: 9

シェル - Shell
 DESCRIPTION: Increases Magic Defense.
 MP: 10

サイレス - Silence
 DESCRIPTION: Silences target, disabling the use of spells.
 MP: 6

エスナ - Esuna
 DESCRIPTION: Cures all status ailments.
 MP: 20

ディスペル - Despell
 DESCRIPTION: Removes status increasing spells.
 MP: 12

バーサク - Berserk
 DESCRIPTION: Increases Attack Power.
 MP: 18

テレポ - Exit
 DESCRIPTION: Warps party out of dungeon.
 MP: 10

ブリンク - Blink
 DESCRIPTION: Increases Evade.
 MP: 8

コンフュ - Confuse
 DESCRIPTION: Confuses target, causing it to attack enemies.
 MP: 10

ケアルダ - Cure 3
 DESCRIPTION: Restores a large amount of HP.
 MP: 18

ミニマム - Minimum
 DESCRIPTION: Causes Mini status.
 MP: 6

ハイスト - Haste
 DESCRIPTION: Increases speed.
 MP: 25

レビテト - Levitate
 DESCRIPTION: Causes target to float, protecting against earth attacks.
 MP: 8

リフレク - Reflect
 DESCRIPTION: Reflects magic attacks.
 MP: 30

ケアルガ - Cure 4
 DESCRIPTION: Restores a very large amount of HP.
 MP: 40

アレイズ - Arise
 DESCRIPTION: Restores life with full HP.
 MP: 52

ホーリー - Holy
 DESCRIPTION: Causes a large amount of divine damage.
 MP: 46


ブリザド - Blizzard
 DESCRIPTION: Causes a small amount of ice elemental damage.
 MP: 5

サンダー - Thunder
 DESCRIPTION: Causes a small amount of electric elemental damage.
 MP: 5

ファイア - Fire
 DESCRIPTION: Causes a small amount of fire elemental damage.
 MP: 5

スリプル - Sleep
 DESCRIPTION: Causes target to fall asleep.
 MP: 12

ポイズン - Poison
 DESCRIPTION: Causes a small amount of poison elemental damage.
 MP: 2

デジョン - Warp
 DESCRIPTION: Warps back one floor in dungeons.
 MP: 4

トード - Toad
 DESCRIPTION: Causes Toad status.
 MP: 7

ストップ - Stop
 DESCRIPTION: Stuns enemy, disabling commands.
 MP: 15

ポーキー - Porky
 DESCRIPTION: Causes target to turn into a pig, decreasing speed.
 MP: 1

ブリザラ - Blizzard 2
 DESCRIPTION: Causes a medium amount of ice elemental damage.
 MP: 15

サンダラ - Thunder 2
 DESCRIPTION: Causes a medium amount of electric elemental damage.
 MP: 15

ファイラ - Fire 2
 DESCRIPTION: Causes a medium amount of fire elemental damage.
 MP: 15

バイオ - Bio
 DESCRIPTION: Causes a large amount of poison elemental damage.
 MP: 20

アスピル - Aspell
 MP: --

ドレイン - Drain
 DESCRIPTION: Absorbs target's HP.
 MP: 18

ブリザガ - Blizzard 3
 DESCRIPTION: Causes a large amount of ice elemental damage.
 MP: 30

サンダガ - Thunder 3
 DESCRIPTION: Causes a large amount of electric elemental damage.
 MP: 30

ファイガ - Fire 3
 DESCRIPTION: Causes a large amount of fire elemental damage.
 MP: 30

クエイク - Quake
 DESCRIPTION: Causes earth elemental damage to ground targets.
 MP: 30

ブレイク - Break
 DESCRIPTION: Causes Petrify status.
 MP: 15

トルネド - Tornado
 DESCRIPTION: Greatly reduces target's HP.
 MP: 25

デス - Death
 DESCRIPTION: Causes immediate death.
 MP: 35

フレア - Flare
 DESCRIPTION: Causes a very large amount of fire damage.
 MP: 50

メテオ - Meteor
 DESCRIPTION: Causes a very large amount of damage to all enemies.
 MP: 99


チョコボ - Chocobo
 DESCRIPTION: Causes a small amount of damage to one enemy.
 MP: 7

ドラゴン - Dragon
 DESCRIPTION: Causes a medium amount of damage to all enemies.
 MP: 20

シヴァ - Shiva
 DESCRIPTION: Causes a medium amount of ice elemental damage to all enemies.
 MP: 30

イフリート - Ifrit
 DESCRIPTION: Causes a medium amount of fire elemental damage to all enemies.
 MP: 30

ラムウ - Ramuh
 DESCRIPTION: Causes a medium amount of electric elemental damage.
 MP: 30

タイタン - Titan
 DESCRIPTION: Causes a large amount of earth elemental damage to all enemies.
 MP: 40

シルフ - Sylph
 MP: 25

オーディン - Odin
 DESCRIPTION: Automatically kills entire enemy group.
 MP: 45

アスラ - Ashura
 DESCRIPTION: Casts a random curative spell.
 MP: 50

リヴァイア - Leviathan
 DESCRIPTION: Causes a large amount of water elemental damage to all enemies.
 MP: 50

バハムート - Bahamut
 DESCRIPTION: Causes a very large amount of damage to all enemies.
 MP: 60

ゴブリン - Goblin
 DESCRIPTION: Causes a very small amount of damage to one enemy.
 MP: 1

ボム - Bomb
 DESCRIPTION: Causes a large amount of damage.
 MP: 10

マインドF - Mind Flayer
 DESCRIPTION: Causes a medium amount of damage.
 MP: 18

コカトリス - Cocktrice
 DESCRIPTION: Causes Petrify status.
 MP: 15


かとん - Flame
 DESCRIPTION: Causes fire elemental damage to all enemies.
 MP: 15

すいとん - Flood
 DESCRIPTION: Causes water elemental damage to all enemies.
 MP: 20

らいじん - Blitz
 DESCRIPTION: Causes electric elemental damage to all enemies.
 MP: 25

かげしばり - Pin
 DESCRIPTION: Stuns enemy.
 MP: 5

けむりだま - Smoke
 DESCRIPTION: Allows party to run away.
 MP: 10

ぶんしん - Image
 DESCRIPTION: Increases Evade.
 MP: 6


ポーション - Potion
 DESCRIPTION: Restores a small amount of HP to one character.
 COST: 30

ハイポーション - HiPotion
 DESCRIPTION: Restores a medium amount of HP to one character.
 COST: 150

エクスポーション - XPotion
 DESCRIPTION: Restores a large amount of HP to one character.
 COST: --

フェニックスのお - Pheonix Down
 DESCRIPTION: Restores life to one dead character.
 COST: 100

テント - Tent
 DESCRIPTION: Restores most HP party on overworld.
 COST: 100

コテージ - Cottage
 DESCRIPTION: Restores all HP and MP to party on overworld or save point.
 COST: 500

エーテル - Ether
 DESCRIPTION: Restores a small amount of MP to one character.
 COST: --

エーテルドライ - HiEther
 DESCRIPTION: Restores a small amount of MP to one character.
 COST: 10000

エリクサー - Elixer
 DESCRIPTION: Completely restores HP and MP to one character.
 COST: 100000

ばんのうやく - Remedy
 DESCRIPTION: Cures all status ailments.
 COST: 5000

じゅうじか - Holy Water
 DESCRIPTION: Cures Curse status.
 COST: 100

どくけし - Antidote
 DESCRIPTION: Cures Poison status.
 COST: 40

めぐすり - Eye Drop
 DESCRIPTION: Cures Darkness status.
 COST: 30

やまびこそう - Echo Herb
 DESCRIPTION: Cures Silence status.
 COST: 50

ダイエットフード - Diet Food
 DESCRIPTION: Cures Piggy status.
 COST: 100

きんのはり - Gold Needle
 DESCRIPTION: Cures Petrify status.
 COST: 400

おとめのキッス - Maiden's Kiss
 DESCRIPTION: Cures Toad status.
 COST: 60

うちでのこづち - Hammer
 DESCRIPTION: Cures Mini status.
 COST: 80

ぎんのリンゴ - Silver Apple
 DESCRIPTION: Increases max HP by 50.
 COST: --

きんのリンゴ - Gold Apple
 DESCRIPTION: Increases max HP by 100.
 COST: --

ソーマのしずく - Soma Drop
 DESCRIPTION: Increases maximum MP by 10.
 COST: --

ギサールのやさい - Gysahl Vegetable
 DESCRIPTION: Summons a Fat Chocobo in a Chocobo Forest.
 COST: 50

ギサールのふえ - Gysahl Flute
 DESCRIPTION: Calls Fat Chocobo.
 COST: 20000

いびとのパン - Miniature Bread
 DESCRIPTION: Zooms out when used on overworld.
 COST: --

ひじょうぐち - Emergency Exit
 DESCRIPTION: Warps party out of dungeons.
 COST: --

ダークマター - Dark Matter
 DESCRIPTION: Protects against Zeromus' attacks.
 COST: --


This guide is Copyright 2001 Joseph Witham(
Anyone who desires to reproduce, distribute, or use this guide on their web 
site has the author's permission under the following conditions:
 1. It must not be altered in any way.
 2. It must not be used for profit, it must be distributed freely.
 3. Any and all credit must be given to the author, Joseph Witham.
 4. It must remain in its entirety, with every part intact.
All information in this guide, unless otherwise noted, was compiled and 
written by the author.  You may not reproduce any information from this guide
and use it in any other publication without written consent of the author.
