Miscellaneous Jewish References


Aliyah Organization 


Tehilla - the Union for Religious Aliyah

 - 212-339-6055 / 212-832-2597 fax

 - e-mail:

 - 110 East 59th Street, New York, NY   10022

 - Yes. You've been dreaming about it for months. You want to go 

to Israel. How do you find a home? How can you get a job? ... Who 

should you contact? Tehilla is a good place to start. They run 

seminars, offer information and can help you to better prepare 

for the move. 

Emergency Numbers



Chevra Hatzoloh - 

 - 718-230-1000 or 

 - 718-387-1750 or 

 - 212-230-1000 (manhattan)

PO Box 1060

New York, NY   10002

 - Fast, well-trained and professional, the Hatzalah team 

provides ambulatory services for medical emergencies. 

Knowlegeable in Torah, the medics also aid to assure that the 

patient is treated according to Jewish Law. It's good to memorize 

this number and keep it handy. Although we hope you never use it. 

Help Hotline


Shalom Task Force - 718-337-3700

 - A person to speak with with helpful advice and soothing words can make a 

difficult situation more bearable. The Shalom task force was set up to help 

women who were abused. They aim at promoting peaceful family relations. The 

Shalom Task Force has the endorsement of prominent Orthodox Rabbis. Their 

flyer says: "We're ready when you are. Abuse Hurts. You are not alone. 

Strictly Confidential." Pass this phone number on to your friends or 

relatives. Perhaps they can give it to someone who needs help. 

 - The last time I called they listed their hours as:

  Sunday and Friday   - 9 AM - 12 PM

  Monday to Wednesday - 9 AM -  5 PM

  Thursday            - 9 AM -  3 PM

Jewish Day School - Also see our Jewish Schools file at our web site.


Young Israel of Forest Hills Hebrew School

 - 7100 Yellowstone Blvd., Forest Hills, NY   11375

 - 718-268-7100

 A good education starts from birth. The Young Israel offers a Jewish Day 

School that appeals to all backgrounds. They teach and inspire children ages 5 

- 13. Call for more information.

Torah Phone Hotlines


Torat Sion Torah Phone

 - Call 212-330-7030 

 - Gives weekly dvar Torah (Words of Torah) in three languages - English, 

Hebrew and Persian. Just dial and learn. 


from:   The Jewish Education Network



date:   17 Tamuz 5758 / July 12, 1998

ver:    1.1

The Jewish Education Network -  A Jewish Education Counts,

Matatia Chetrit, Copyright (1998)

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