
	Tisha B'Av 

	- The Ninth day of the Jewish month of Av

	A day of mourning for the Jewish people. Many tragedies befell us and

the world on this day. The tragedies began when the the spies - in the

generation of the desert - brought us back a negative report after spying

out the land of Israel. The Jews started crying and wanted to return to

Egypt. Hashem said to them. "Today you are weeping for nothing but

the day will come that on this night you will weep for a purpose, for on

this night both first and second temples will be destroyed." (See

Bamidbar / Numbers 14:1)

	On the Ninth of Av, we fast and read kinot - lamentations

at the synagogue. It is a day of introspection for us to look into our

misdeeds and to try to improve ourselves. It is a period when we try to

do Tshuva. We return to the the pleasant ways of our Torah. Since, the

mourning of Tisha B'Av was caused by Lashon HaRah (Speaking badly about

others - in this case the spies spoke badly about Israel), it is appropriate

that we try to refrain from speaking Lashon HaRah. This can serve as a

reparation for our doings in the desert.

	There were five trajedies, that befell the Jewish People

on Tisha B'Av.

	- On this day the decree was made that the Jews in the

desert would not enter into the land of Israel.

	- In 586 B.C.E. the First Beit Hamikdash (Temple) was


	- In 70 C.E. the Second Beit Hamikdash (Temple) was destroyed.

	- 135 C.E. the Bar Kochba rebellion against the Romans

ended with the fall of the fortress / city Betar - and Tens of thousands

were killed by our enemies.

	- The evil Tornosropos raized the holy ark. 

	More contemporary tragedies:

	On Tisha B'Av (the 9th of Av)

	- 1290 C.E. the official decree expelling Jews from England

was signed (July 18)

	- 1492 C.E. the Jews were forced to leave Spain (August


	- 1555 Jews of Italy were forced into a ghetto in a district

near the Tiber (July 26)

	- 1914 Germany declares war on Russia (August 1)

	- 1941 orders to carry out the final solution went into

effect (July 31)

	The three week period is generally a difficult period.

As this week, we unfortunately saw the we lost many people to the TWA Flight

800 Airline crash. It occured at the beginning of the Jewish month of Av.

	Ending on a positive note - When the mashiach will arrive,

BS"D, Tisha B'Av will become our greatest period of rejoicing. May

the we be Zocheh (meritorious) to welcome the arrival of the Mashiach inour

days. Amen!

	All The best. Kol Tuv!


from:   The Jewish Education Network



date:   17 Tamuz 5758 / July 12, 1998

ver:    1.1

The Jewish Education Network -  A Jewish Education Counts,

Matatia Chetrit, Copyright (1998)

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