The Twelve Tribes

Reuben -(R'uveyn)- fron the Hebrew meaning "behold a son"
        (B) Jacob and Leah's son

Simeon - (Shimon)- from the Hebrew meaning "to hear" or "to be heard"
         (B) Jacob and Leah's second son

Levi - (Leyvee)- from the Hebrew meaning "joined to" or "attendant upon"
       (B) Jacob and Leah's third son

Judah - (Y'hudah)- from the Hebrew meaning "praise"
        (B) Fourth son of Jacob and Leah

Issachar - (Yisachar)- from the Hebrew meaning "there is a reward"
           (B) Son of Jacob and Leah
           Studied Torah with support of Zebulun

Zebulun - (Z'vulun) from the Hebrew meaning "to exalt, honor" or
          "a lofty house" (B) Sixth son of Jacob and Leah
           Engaged in business to support Isaachar

Benjamin - (Benyamin)- from the Hebrew meaning "son of my right (hand)"
           (B) Youngest son of Jacob and Rachel

Dan - (Dan)- from the Hebrew meaning "hudge" or "he judged"
      (B) Firstborn son of Bilhah, Rachel's maid. Fifth son of Jacob.

Naphtali - (Naphtali)- from the Hebrew meaning "to wrestle"
           (B) Sixth son of Jacob. Second Son of Bilhah.

Gad - (Gad)- from the Hebrew and Aramaic meaning "a troop, a warrior"
      or "happy, fortunate"
      (B) Son of Jacob and Zilpah

Asher - (Asher)- from the Hebrew meaning "blessed, fortunate or happy"
        (B) Second son of Jacob and Zilpah.

Ephraim - (Efra'yim) from Hebrew meaning "fruitful"
          (B) Youngest son of Joseph and Asenath

Manasseh - (M'nashe)- from the Hebrew meaning "causing to forget"
           (B) Son of Joseph

                                  Family Tree

Forefather:                Avraham (*)
Wife:          & Hagar              & Sarah
                   |                    |
Children:       Ishmael               Yitzhak (*)
Wife:                               & Rivka
                                      |   |
Children:                          Esau   Yaakov (*)
                                          | | | |
              ___________________________/ / /  \
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Wife:   Rachel          Leah            Bilhah          Zilpah
Chld: 1) Joseph  -11  1) Reuben  -1   1) Dan     -5   1) Gad  -7
      2) Benjamin-12  2) Simeon  -2   2) Naphtali-6   2) Asher-8
                      3) Levi    -3
                      4) Judah   -4
                      5) Issachar-9
                      6) Zebulun -10

from:   The Jewish Education Network
date:   Heshvan 5761 / November 21, 2000
ver:    1.2

The Jewish Education Network -  A Jewish Education Counts,
Matatia Chetrit, Copyright (2000)
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