
The Pele Yoetz On Healing - Refuah

	The Pele Yoetz is a sefer (book) on all sorts of 

advice for life. It is written in Hebrew.

- Translated by Matitia Chetrit

	Our sages of blessed memory said on the verse "And 

heal he will be healed" - from here the Torah gave the 

permission to doctors to heal. 

	And it is also said with respect to illnesses - that 

they are bad and trustworthy - that they are "trustworthy" 

as an emissary / delegate [of heaven] for at the time that 

they are appointed / delegated [to fall upon a person] - it 

is decreed upon them that they should only leave on a 

determined day by the appointed doctor using the prescribed 


	Our sages have also said "A person should not live in 

a place where there is no doctor"

	And thus we find that an [interesting] inquiry 

arises. Since it is Hashem who determines death and life - 

what what will the doctor add [by aiding to heal the 

patient]? Is it not so that if it was decreed [in Heaven] 

that one will die, even if all the doctors in the world 

arose to heal him, they would not be able to save him from 


	And thus [we can better understand] our sages 

statement "the error / malpractice of the doctor is the 

will of the Creator" and it is not in his power to save. 

And if it was decreed upon the person that he should live, 

even without a doctor, the Holy One Blessed Be He, will 

turn over [worlds] and cure him. For Hashem has many ways 

and with Him there is much deliverance and He will stretch 

out his "hand" and heal him.

	However, the answer to this inquiry and to many 

others like it is that there are three different types of 


	1) If he is one that holds a special merit and his 

merit is strong and his fate is salutary - even if he 

doesn't have a doctor and he does things that will worsen 

his condition, he will not die and "live he will live".

	2) And there are those, upon whom death is decreed - 

that is to say, even if he guarded himself with all 

protection in the world, his persistence of protecting 

himself is all in vain, and doctors will be of no help and 

he will not be saved.

	3) However, there are those who, due to their sins, 

place themselves under the influence of 


           - if they protect themselves and act with the 

proper cures according to nature - "live he will live" - he 

will surely live.

           - and if not they will die and on this type of 

person it is said "and there is death without judgment."

	Behold, thus each person needs to seek the proper 

cure when he needs them. For if he will not do this and 

will cause "death without judgment", he will be held 

accountable for his life. And he is at fault [his death is 

worthwhile] for he transgressed on that that is written [in 

the Torah], "and you shall protect very well your life."

	And the person who does not preserve his health, and 

does not act in the according to nature, to seek the proper 

medical treatment of his illness, to the best of his 

ability - will surely be punished since he transgressed 

that which is written in the Torah. 

	It also comes out that he depended on a miracle and 

if a miracle was done for him, a part of his merits will be 

taken away.

	One needs to be very careful to guard one's health so 

that he will not become ill. And if he did become sick, he 

needs to seek cures and consult expert physicians. And he 

should not be concerned about his money [he will spend for 

the cure], for a person should give all his money to save 

his life. As it says in the Zohar HaKadosh "that one who is 

apt to suffer monetary loss, he will fall into house of 

illness, and will not be cured until the amount that it was 

decreed for him to lose, is spent." That is why it is good 

advice to spend the money as quickly as possible.

	And how good is it for a person to increase his 

giving of charity - for he gains a mitzvah and it is a 

segulah (an ability) to nullify the decree [of suffering].

	Really, before a person should seek cures - he should 

always believe with complete conviction - that his healing 

is in the hands of the Holy One Blessed be He - the 

Merciful and Trustworthy Physician - Healer of Israel, His 

people. Thus, he should preface [his acts], with prayer 

before Him.

	(And I already composed a prayer for an ill person 

and placed it in my place of prayer)

	A person who has a sick person in his household, is 

obligated not to slumber, and not to remain silent, and not 

to rest until he seeks all types of doctors and all sorts 

of remedies according to his means / until he achieves his 

objective. And if he is a needy person, and he cannot 

afford [proper diagnosis and treatment], the obligation 

falls on the citizens of his city and/or on the Bikur Holim 

Organization (lit - visitation of the ill society - ie, the 

illness relief fund). - to assign for him doctors and cures 

- and they should not be concerned about the the great 

expenses, for they should consider how great is the 

mitzvah. Go and learn till where the obligation to heal 

applies, for behold they permitted our holy / strict 

Shabbat to be desecrated and to transgress upon the entire 

Torah in order to treat a person who was in mortal danger.

	As our the Talmud says "It is better for one to 

desecrate one Shabbat so that one may observe many other 


	And how much more so that it is proper to spend all 

the money in the world in order to save one Jewish soul - 

for it is as if one saved the entire world. And even if 

with all this effort the person still passed away, G-d 

forbid, this should not serve to make them regret and balk 

(at the money spent). Rather they should rejoice in their 

hearts knowing they did did what was required of them to 

do. To Hashem - they are doing the best that they can do - 

and Hashem will pay them seven times over in their laps 

with wealth and riches in their home.


from:   The Jewish Education Network



date:   Heshvan  5759 / November 12, 1998

ver:    1.0

The Jewish Education Network -  A Jewish Education Counts.

Matatia Chetrit, Copyright (1998)

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