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Lamp Lighting
G) Lighting Procedure

  Stage 1
Free the ventilator cap by loosening the 2 side nuts attached to the handle of the pressure lamp.

  Stage 2
Remove the ventilator cap and lift out the mixer flame assembly.

  Stage 3
Unscrew and remove the pressure gauge, then till the kerosene container with kerosene using a funnel. (Do not loosen the rubber seal in the pressure gauge.)

  Stage 4
Pour in the kerosene until the kerosene container is between half to three-quarters full.
  Screw back the pressure gauge tightly.
  Remember to tighten the airscrew as well.

  Stage 5
Tie the mantle to the burner socket. (Ensure that the burner socket is firmly fixed to the mixer flame assembly.)
  Excess string from the mantle may be cut away.

  Stage 6
Replace the mixer flame assembly

  Stage 7
Fill the spirit dish with methylated spirit through a small opening beside the regulator.

  Stage 8
Light the methylated spirit with the regulator pointing upwards.
  Wait for the mantle to be heated up.
  When there is sufficient heat, you will see a red glow in the mantle.

  Stage 9
Start pumping in between 50-60 strokes.
  Turn the regulator until the mantle brightens.
  At intervals of 3 to 4 hours, increase the pressure to sustain the glow of the lamp.

Distinguishing Procedure
Loosen the airscrew slightly to release pressure in the kerosene container. The pressure lamp will distinguish after there is no more pressure in the kerosene container to supply the mixer flame assembly with kerosene.
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