Hgeocities.com/jyatesfeller/session_12_objectives.htmgeocities.com/jyatesfeller/session_12_objectives.htm.delayedx~J3E OKtext/htmlE b.HFri, 25 Jun 2004 20:19:24 GMTMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *~JE LaGrange Community Hospital

LaGrange Community Hospital

LaGrange County EMS

Basic-Advanced EMT Course

Module Objectives

Session 12

At the completion of this course session, the student will be able to:

  1. Explain how to confirm asystole using more than one lead. (C-1)
  2. Identify the specific mechanical, pharmacological and electrical therapeutic interventions for patients with arrhythmias causing compromise. (C-1)
  3. List the clinical indications for an implanted defibrillation device. (C-1)
  4. Develop, execute, and evaluate a treatment plan based on the field impression for the patient with chest pain that may be indicative of angina or myocardial infarction. (C-3)
  5. Define the term "cardiac arrest". (C-1)
  6. Define the term "resuscitation". (C-1)
  7. Identify local protocol dictating circumstances and situations where resuscitation efforts would not be initiated. (C-1)
  8. Identify the critical actions necessary in caring for the patient in cardiac arrest. (C-2)
  9. Synthesize patient history, assessment findings to form a field impression for the patient with chest pain and cardiac arrhythmias that may be indicative of a cardiac emergency. (C-3)
  10. Value the sense of urgency for initial assessment and intervention as it contributes to the treatment plan for the patient experiencing a cardiac emergency. (A-3)
  11. Define patient situations where ECG rhythm analysis is indicated. (A-3)
  12. Value and defend the sense of urgency necessary to protect the window of opportunity for reperfusion in the patient with chest pain and arrhythmias that may be indicative of angina or myocardial infarction. (A-3)
  13. Value and defend the urgency in rapid determination and rapid intervention of patients in cardiac arrest. (A-3)

14.State the reading and homework assignments for the next class session.