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i appreciate
There are joys and gifts all over the place -- you just need to open up your eyes and see them
Entry for August 09, 2006
If you want a healthy skin, it is important for you to have a healthy diet, a diet that contains adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals & proteins. Natural moisture in the skin should be maintained. Environment & sun play a hide & seek game towards the skin. Somewhere it affects and in some way it do some good to a healthier skin.
If you have soft, smooth, clear, attractive and glowing facial skin then you are a blessed one. But the beauty of the skin will not lost long. As times go on, there is no guarantee that one will maintain that fresh youthful look; you will have to exert to keep it as it is. Usually worries & tensions, coupled with the climatic effect, tell upon the skin and many women look aged even in their prime. There may be of other means to keep up your youthful glow, but the best is do look after your skin.
Here, comes "unani herbalism" to rejuvenate your skin. Time tested, age-old unani therapy helps to maintain the glow of your skin.
Your skin requires more attention in summers when due to sweating it is always sticky, requiring frequent washing. Due to exposure to the sun & hot winds the skin becomes carped and complexion becomes sallow. Moreover, the pores get clogged due to perspiration and the skin cannot breathe.
The icy winter winds work havoc with your skin, and chapping of skin becomes a common problem. But, the most vulnerable to cold is dry skin which crack easily is uncured for. Many a time cracked skin bleeds too, therefore it is necessary to avoid exposure. Winter style winds also fade the complexion of your skin. Also you have to take care of other parts of your body like palms, feet, back & neck etc.
Whether it is winter or summer, our Herbo-mineral preparations make the skin to regain its glow, retains the complexion in luster

facial wrinkles:-
With advancing age wrinkles appear on the face. Wrinkles, prematurely, give an oldies look to a young person. For women, wrinkles are a curse. But this tendency and the resultant aging can be checked sufficiently if care is taken when you are still young.
spots & marks on the face: -
Any kind of spot or a number of spots on the face spoil the charming personality of a woman. Every beauty conscious woman wants to avoid such beauty deterrents. The spots are of various kinds like a dark spot beneath the eyes, white patches & small pox spots or pock marks. The dark rings below the eyes make a woman look older than her age. In this jet set world of today about ninety percent of women suffer from various kinds of tensions which have maximum affect on skin & eyes. Eyes keep sinking everyday and are surrounded by dark circles. Wrinkles appear on them. This blackishness & wrinkles are not confined to eyes only but spread over the entire face making a person look older even in young age.
Why these dark spots and wrinkles appear first around eyes-only?
The skin around eyes is very sensitive and contains a very thin layer of fat. If this fat remains healthy then the eyes do not sink. When the fat gets reduced and becomes dead there are little wringles appears around the eyes at the initial level. Although, make-up helps in hiding these dark spots to a certain extend, they can not completely cure or remove them. But unani herbal preparation helps to solve the problem.
unwanted facial hair: -
Unwanted hair, particularly on face, should be a matter of great concern to a woman. There can be many reasons for this unwanted growth, like congenital cause, imbalance of hormones, pregnancy, irregular menses, mental tensions, long illness, worries and shocks. One should immediately cure oneself of unwanted hair when they start growing, instead of just feeling shy and embarrassed.
pimples: -
The pimple is a serious adolescence problem. They appear on the cheeks, forehead and nose and spoil the looks
Why do pimples appear in youth?
As soon as we cross childhood and enter the threshold of adolescence, different parts of our body start developing. The oil glands underneath the skin become over active and ooze grease. This grease block the pores & pimples sprout. The dust particles clogging in the pores are called black heads. A special skin care is essential to guard against pimples. Do not neglect pimples. Be alert as soon as they start appearing because these may leave their permanent marks on your face, showing your carelessness and damaging your looks.
acne: -
Acne is basically a skin disease typical to youth. The skin gets blotchy and these blotches on the face do never vanish. Even a beautiful face and smooth skin, it affected by acne, loses its charm. Acne is a deformed type of pimples. Usually, young people pinch the pimples with nails, which results in infection & septic. Pimples dry in a couple of days but the marks remain permanent. It is advisable to consult for treatment for acne because it is a kind of skin infection.
beauty of eyes: -
Eyes occupy the most prominent place among the five sensory organs of our body. Large & beautiful eyes enhance one’s beauty many many fold. There are two kinds of beautiful eyes. One is related to the general health of a person and the second is related to make-up. Healthy eyes are directly related to general health. Loss of vitamins ‘A’ and ‘D’ is the cause of poor eyesight. Certain precautions should also be taken to keep the eyes healthy. Your eyes require about eight hours of rest during a day; otherwise they feel drooping or heavy. Smoking makes eyes yellowish. Eyes become red if proper rest is not given to them. Apart from wrinkles, many times dark patches appear below the eyes. These to be treated

2006-08-09 16:24:18 GMT