Hgeocities.com/jystrebler/af.htmgeocities.com/jystrebler/af.htmdelayedxJ: OKtext/htmlg b.HThu, 19 Jul 2001 16:47:28 GMTMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *J Aretha and Franklin's Homepage

Aretha and Franklin's Page!

...the internet home of Aretha and Franklin...

My Kitties!

Aretha and Franklin were found abandoned when they were about one day old by my cousin Julie's boyfriend, James. They took the kitties to my Uncle Rick who is a wise man in all things living. Rick nursed and bathed the kitties until they were old enough for adoption.

Tessa took one look at the kitties and we brought them home. This is a picture of them when they were about 6 weeks old.

This is Franklin, today, curled up on his little kitty perch:

This is Aretha, today, playing my keyboard:

As you can see, they're cats of action and boundless energy!