Hgeocities.com/jywanza1/Blackwomenwhitestandards.htmlgeocities.com/jywanza1/Blackwomenwhitestandards.htmlelayedx;J OKtext/htmlg b.HMon, 13 Mar 2006 01:40:51 GMTMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *;J Black Women White American Standards
Black Women White American Standards

Societys perception of beautiful,
differs from culture to culture
White Americas idea of beauty,
has encircled some of us like vultures
It's believed by some of our sistahs,
that straight hair is much more attractive
Keptn them to some extent enslaved,
and maken them somewhat less active

The more beautiful society says you are,
the more privileges would come
To achieve the look of beauty,
bleaching and straightening was chosen by some
The products did promise to them,
straighter hair and a lighter complexion
But many suffered burns and discolor,
verses the straighter and lighter connection

Hair relaxers are used to help,
make black womens hair real straight
For those who didnt use the chemicals,
the hot comb and curlers were great
Now days black women have cosmetic surgery,
to change their bust or their nose
So why are we still not satisfied,
with the natural way we were composed

The 70s created much excitement,
over blackness and the love of our beauty
Wearn naturals, afros and cornrows,
was considered to be part of our duty
Beautys in the eye of the beholder,
and is something we must never forget
Dont ever let white America dictate,
your standards of beauty we state

Priestess Jywanza ~)o(~

Email Priestess Jywanza ~)o(~
