Hgeocities.com/jywanza1/Childrenspirit.htmlgeocities.com/jywanza1/Childrenspirit.htmlelayedx>J OKtext/htmlg b.HWed, 10 Jul 2002 17:55:03 GMT Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *>J  Allow Your Princess to Live Her Magic
Allow Your Princess to Live Her Magic

A Spiritual life is not one lived in segments. We are not spiritual on Sunday from 12:00 - 2:00, and then not be in tune with our spirituality for the rest of the week, until next Sunday. We should be Spiritual moment to moment, action to action and thought to thought. The Goddess permeates the very fiber of our Being, She is us and we are Her. Every act is a spirituall act, and we do Her honor in knowing and doing just that.

Allow your Princess to live her own spirituality, observe her carefully, and you will be amazed at what she knows, that which we have forgotten. Play with her, not in a formalized setting, but run through the fields searching out all the aspects within the flowers with her. Listening to the sounds of the ocean, and the words she speaks in the waves, watch the clouds drift overhead and be amazed at the stories they tell. Plan your life daily with her, she will offer you a route over the threshold of magic, in a very special way.

She will indicate, if you listen, when she is ready for more. This will vary from child to child, but if you keep the lines of communication freely flowing then you will know. You can then bring in further activities and explanations, as they are ready.

Life is a magical journey and no one needs to remind our little ones that. They are fully aware of the Magic, their physical world is unfolding and who could believe such wonder? At this stage, it is as if they were teaching us that elemental magic that exists everywhere and in everything. The lessons are unspoken, yet they speak so loudly.

At this young age there needs not to be a lot of explanation, as they are learning through taste, touch and smell and these are the lessons that ring true in their soul. Each small act keeps stirring that intrinsic magical knowledge they hold so dear.

Children still touch so closely the face of Magic; they overstand it in a way grown-ups can forget and strive to remember. We need not give our daughters rituals, they will make up thier own as they go along. This magic is the most powerful, as it comes from that connection to the Goddess that they bring with them and that we assist them in keeping vibrant and alive. Our girls do not need dogma, training, or even words, for they know at such a cellular level what we wish to "teach" them, that it just needs the proper environment.
