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Eurocentric Analysis ©

Part I


Yes or No

The entire analysis is made up of yes and no questions.
Again, we would like to state, these questions are going to
take some deep soul searching and honest answers.
As a result of this analysis, we guarantee you are going
to know a lot more about yourself!

Are You a Respecter of Persons?

____ Are you more judgmental of Black people than you are of white people?

____ Are you more tolerant or forgiving of white people's negative behavior than you are of Black people's?

____ Do you express contempt for the wrongs that Black people do, but fail to make white people accept their responsibilities, for their wrong doings?

____ Do you ask Black people to "prove themselves" regarding their information, presentations and knowledge, and don't demand white people to do the same?

____ Do you conceal a higher admiration for white people, than you do for Black people?

____ Are you more upset when white police officers kill or beat Black people, than when Black people do the same?

____ Are you more upset when white people use the "n" word, than when Black people do the same?

____ Do you have a habit of treating white people kinder and or better in stressful or negative situations?

____ Do you think white people are more intelligent than Black people?

____ Would you feel more comfortable having a white person do medical surgery on you, than a Black person?

____ Would you feel more comfortable having a white person defend you in a court of law, than a Black person?

____ Do you feel that a Black person really could never qualify to become president of the United States?

____ Do you have a secret desire to want to be white?

Gatherings, Meetings, and Study Groups with Brothers and Sisters

When attending gatherings, meetings and study groups, do you practice these negative behaviors?:

____ consistently late
____ forget what you're to bring
____ unorganized
____ engage in verbal abuse
____ talk during others' presentations
____ talk down to others
____ engage in extensive debates
____ physically violent
____ boastfulness
____ think you know it all
____ ego trip
____ rudeness
____ put people down
____ uncooperative
____ self centeredness
____ try to run everything yourself
____ take up others' time
____ always leave early

Hostility Toward Black People

Do you involve yourself in the following tendencies of harmful hostilities toward your Brothers and Sisters?:

____ lie and or gossip
____ steal
____ cheat
____ intentionally harm or hurt
____ sell harmful drugs or weapons
____ have unprotective sex

Do you use the following derogatory names when referring to Black people?

____ "bitch"
____ "dog"
____ "niger"
____ "motherfucker"
____ "ho"

____ Do you feel Black students who make good grades are "acting white?"

____ Do you find yourself always criticizing your Brothers and Sisters?

____ Do you practice "selling out" Black people by talking against them to white people?

____ Are you harder on and demand more from Black people?

____ Do you feel that you can "get away" with more, with Black people?

____ Are you more comfortable being hostile and argumentative to Black people?

____ Does it take very little effort on your part to talk "ugly" to Black people?

____ Does it take little effort on your part to roll your eyes or neck at Black people?

____ When your Brothers and Sisters tell you they're in need, do you "play them off" or jokingly say they're not?

____ Do you have problems supporting your Brothers and Sisters with their personal projects?

____ Do you make promises to your Brothers and Sisters that you don't intend to keep?

____ Do you discriminate against your Brothers and Sisters at the work place?

____ Would it take little effort on your part to kill a Black person? (outside of self defense)

Are you unaware of the following acts of hostility against Black folks?:

____ Food and water intake can be hazardous to your health, due to drugs and chemicals, approved by the government.

____ The government allows the advertising and selling of cigarettes and alcohol that are known to be very hazardous to your health.

____ Many hazardous wastes dumps are located close to poor African Amerikkkan communities.

____ Secret testings and experiments are done on African Amerikkkans. (ie. Tuskegee syphilis experiment)

____ Forced sterilizations are performed on African Amerikkkans and people of color throughout the world.

____ African Amerikkkans have always been killed disproportionally in Amerikkka's wars.

____ African Amerikkkans receive prison sentences more frequently than white Amerikkkans.

____ African Amerikkkans receive longer prison sentences than white Amerikkkans.

____ Alcohol, drugs, and weapons are intentionally distributed into African Amerikkkan communities. (CIA)

____ African Amerikkkan babies have a higher infant mortality rate than white Amerikkkan babies.

____ Less money is spent educating African Amerikkkan school children than white Amerikkkan children.

____ African Amerikkkans have poorer health than white Amerikkkans. (high blood pressure, diabetes, AIDS)

____ African Amerikkkans suffer from poorer health care.

____ It is much harder for an African Amerikkkan to receive an organ transplant.

____ African Amerikkkan's life span is shorter than white Amerikkkan's life span.

____ African Amerikkkans, on the average, are paid less than white Amerikkkans.

____ African Amerikkkans suffer from lower self esteem due to a racist environment.

____ The self esteem which is associated with being Black, is attacked and lowered, in order for white genetic survival to take place.

____ African Amerikkkan's young males are dying at an alarming rate across the country.

____ Since children, African Amerikkkans have learned everything Black is bad and everything white is good.

____ Violence against African Amerikkkan women is on the rise.

____ African Amerikkkan's faith in themselves, has been replaced by a predatory instinct.

____ Stereotypes are justified and rationalized by whites to create self doubt and cultural insecurity in African Amerikkkans.

____ Studies show that whites are unwilling to move into a predominately Black neighborhood.

____ African Amerikkkans are a captive creation of white supremacy.

____ White corporate Amerikkka has a "glass ceiling" that prevents African Amerikkkans from climbing closer to the top.

____ White corporate Amerikkka sit around their meetings telling Black jokes.

____ White employees make derogatory remarks about Black people's physical features, on their security cameras.

____ White supremacy genocidal attacks the African Amerikkkan's mind, which produces self-hatred.

____ White supremacy uses drugs like Ritalin to control the behavior of Black male youth.

____ Do you believe the myth that Blacks our a minority? (White people make up less than 10 percent of the global population.)

Are you unaware of the following information?:

____ There is absolutely no excuse for the violence that takes place in African Amerikkkan relationships or within the African Amerikkkan communities, by African Amerikkkans.

____ The painful, degrading, violent and shameful treatment and experiences Black people have had to endure in Amerikkka's society does not point to Black people's deficiencies, but expresses the moral deficiencies of the very fiber of this nation.


____ Are you ashamed or embarrassed of Afrikan people from the continent?

____ Do you tend to deny your Ancestral connection with Afrika?

____ Are your thoughts of Afrika only negative ones?

____ Do you believe the myth that Afrikans don't like African Amerikkkans?

____ Do you feel it irrelevant to personally know a Afrikan?

____ Do you view Afrikan people as less intelligent than African Amerikkkans?

____ Do you believe Afrikans were in a primitive state when the Afrikan slave trade began?

____ Do you feel it not necessary to keep up with current news, regarding Afrikan countries?

____ Do you have a problem with African Amerikkkans wearing Afrikan clothing?

____ Do you have a problem with African Amerikkkans having Afrikan names?

____ Are you unaware African Amerikkkans, who take on an Afrikan name, are showing a resurgence of "ethnic pride?"

____ Do you think that African Amerikkkans, who have a lot of Afrikan artifacts in their homes, are practicing Voo Doo?

Business and Economics

____ When doing business with your Brothers and Sisters do you practice the following negative behavior?:

____ feel you can always cut a "deal"
____ think you should pay less
____ DON'T PAY
____ make partial or slow payments
____ back out of your contract
____ don't give business a second chance, if an error was made
____ always feel prices are too high
____ don't help businesses with networking and referrals
____ feel that you don't have to go that "extra step" to patronize and support Black businesses
____ try to take advantage of their services
____ conduct yourself in an unprofessional manner
____ always feel that the white man's ice is colder

Are you unaware of the following economic conditions?:

____ The gross national product for African Amerikkkans represents 400 billion dollars annually.

____ The majority of the African Amerikkkan's 400 billion dollars are spent with businesses owned by other ethnic groups.

____ Money earned by African Amerikkkans stays in their community only 4 hours, compared to a minimum of 24 days in other ethnic communities.

____ African Amerikkkan businesses only make up 4% of the total businesses nation wide, yet African Amerikkkans comprise 12% of the population.

____ The last time the African Amerikkkan community had 100% employment was in 1865.

____ African Amerikkkans continue to use their dollars to empower the "entities" that disempower their economic condition.

____ African Amerikkkans do not work toward demanding their tax dollars be used to satisfy African Amerikkkans, regarding improving and rebuilding schools, communities, and economic conditions.

____ African Amerikkkans who apply for business loans, having the same credit ratings as their white counterparts, are turned down more regularly.

____ African Amerikkkans are not respected in other ethnic societies do to their lack of economic strength and unity.

____ Amerikkkans believe Blacks make up the majority of the welfare population, when in fact, the majority of welfare recipients are white.

____ A Black family, with the same income and financial history as a white family, doesn't have the same chance of getting a loan to buy a home. ("Redlining" is a term for the illegal banking practice of not giving loans in certain neighborhoods)

____ Do you spend money with businesses that take money out of African Amerikkkan communities, and don't reinvest money back into their communities?

____ Do you believe that the United States government does not owe African Amerikkkans reparations for the following:

1) holocaust, 2) genocide, 3) enslavement, 4) human exploitation, 5) selling humans, 6) murder, 7) rape, and 8) lynchings?

The Internet - NEW

Discussion Boards

____ Do you engage in “flame wars”?

____ Do you call people “stupid” if they don’t agree with you?

____ Do you result to derogatory name calling?

____ Do you have a habit of using profanity on the boards?

____ Do you post lies on others?

____ Do you feel you are always right when you post information?

____ Do you feel you always need to prove people are wrong?

____ Do you think its not necessary to post material that will uplift and enlighten our sistahs and brothas?

____ Do you like to type in all caps when posting? (indicates shouting)

____ Are you rude to posters simply because you think you can get away with it?


____Do you think it not important to have a website of your own?

____ Do you neglect to tell others when you come across a good Black website?

____ Do you neglect to sign guest books to show your support or concerns?

____ Do you feel its not important for Blacks to develop websites?

____ Do you think it not necessary to financially support our sistahs’ and brothas’ websites?


Do you judge, accept, or don't accept Black people based on the following?:

____ appearance
____ skin color
____ how much money they make
____ Eurocentric standards
____ educational background
____ material wealth or lack of
____ weight or height
____ location
____ clothes
____ hair texture or style
____ speech dialect

Do you believe the following regarding college degrees?:

____ A person without a degree is not qualified for leadership.

____ A person without a degree is less capable to be able to teach you some things.

____ People who do not have degrees should be on a lower social or status level.

____ People with degrees are trying to be "white."

____ People with degrees "sell out" their own.

____ People with degrees all want to live in the suburbs.

____ People with degrees think they're "better" than people without degrees.

____ Do you support Black people marrying outside their race, especially as a means of escaping their own race?

____ Do you feel that the white race is the cause of all the problems of the Black race?

____ Do you really believe that one race has been "chosen" to be above another race?



____ Do you still refer to hair as "good" or "bad" hair?

____ Do you use the word "nappy," in a negative content when referring to Black hair?

____ Do you use damaging heat or harmful chemicals to straighten your hair?

____ Do you become annoyed when your chemically treated hair starts to grow out, exposing your natural hair?

____ Is your hair dyed blond or do you wear blond wigs?

____ Are Black women who wear natural hair styles, offensive to you?

____ Do you wish you had "white people's" hair?


____ Do you feel light skin Black people are more attractive than dark skin Black people?

____ Do you use skin lighteners or wish your skin were just a little lighter?

____ Do you feel that light skin Black people are more intelligent?

____ Sisters, do you want to seek out a light skin Brother, so that you can have a light skin baby?

____ Do you use skin color, as a tactic to help keep Black people divided?

____ Do you feel a person is not "Black enough" if they have light skin?

____ Do you feel that having Black skin is the result of "Ham" being so-called "cursed" in the bible?


Do the following Black physical features make you a little uncomfortable?:

____ full lips
____ natural hair
____ locs
____ braids
____ broad noses
____ developed large buttocks
____ large strong thighs
____ dark skin

____ Are you bothered with some Black physical features because they're different from white people's?

____ Would you like to have surgical alterations regarding some of your Black physical features?

____ Have you worn blue contact lenses or desirer to?

____ Do you feel white people are more physically attractive than Black people?

____ Do you compare yourself to white people physically, and feel inferior?

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Black Watch

Dedicated to the Enhancement of People of Afrikan Descent
