Goddess Mars ConnectionUntitled
Goddess Mars Connection

The institutions intentionally altered historical documents so that every vestige of the creator Goddess knowledge was eliminated. It took them hundreds of centuries to do it.

In the earliest archaeological sites there were no weapons of war that were discovered. These were peacefully coexisting agriculturally based civilizations. They also had high technology which may have been the reason they didn't need to war, but nevertheless, they were peaceful and they used a 'sacred script' to communicate with deities, and they wore ET-like masks that were also inscribed with the script.

Goddess Script

It was inscribed on hundreds of figurines of the female Great Mother Goddess. They used this script to inscribe ET-like masks that they wore, perhaps in some type of ceremonies where they were communicating with the extraterrestrial. And it also became associated, in fact, it's the core language associated with the mathematics of Pythagoras and the Rune symbols as well as into the Knights Templar cypher code.

The script that was used to communicate, it was used as a form of communication between humans and deities and this has been stated by archaeologists. That sacred script is in the 'crop circles.' Five of the symbols from this script turned out to be on the Mars face, according to the computer enhanced photographs.

Crop Circles - Ancient Text

The Goddess script itself is on the Mars face. It is also in all of the crop circles. And it's not any wonder that the crop circles are showing up in fields of grain because the ancient text talks about the Mother Goddess who brought grain to earth, and there has been some upgrading, of the grain in the areas where the crop circles show up.

The grains were barley, wheat, and hemp. (Hemp and the medicinal uses of marijuana, they are extremely important grains to the Earth.)

Crop Circles

Face on Mars - Five symbols

One of them was a triangle or a cone in the eye, the pupil of the eye. And there is what appears to be a diadem crown on the forehead that forms a crescent on the forehead. And there are four lines that run down the side of the face that are visible. All of these symbols are in the Goddess script. There's also a single tear in the eye of the Mars face. That this had to do with the Great Mother Goddess, because she was in the past, clear back into the beginning of history, associated with the tears as rain, as water, as the source of life on this planet. There is a similar depiction of a head with the same symbols, as far as the four lines running down it in a "Sumerian" pictographic language. We have to be careful when we call it "Sumerian," they adopted or took on the language of the previous civilization so these depictions were most likely Ubaidian.

The triangle in the eye socket: is the symbol for the birthing triangle of the female Goddess as Mother creator. It is also a portion of the script and it can be found in the Ophiuchus/Serpens constellation as well, where it's again called the birthing triangle of the Goddess.

The D & M pyramid on Mars or even the other mound over to the right of the D & M pyramid, what's been called the tholus, which means mound, those structures themselves represented the pregnant belly of the Goddess. And there were similar structures on earth, when the structures were built on earth, they were again usually associated with the head stones just like on Mars. However, as the patriarchal religions came through and began invading these lands of the goddess-worshipping civilizations, they destroyed the headstone, so often what is found is only the mound. Although there is the Sphinx.

The Vatican

The Vatican used their power to erase the Goddess tradition and downplay extraterrestrial life. (But they still worship Mary)

Over the hundreds of centuries, they eliminated hundreds of goddess-worshipping civilizations or converted them. We can look as recently as what happened to the Native Americans, whose cultures were dramatically altered from worshiping the Mother and of course began to be established into Christianity. And, of course, going way back to the beginning they took the idea of Isis as the mother who is actually depicted with a daughter on her lap in most of the statues and converted it into the Madonna with a child. Coming forward of course, the goddess-worshipping civilizations in the Middle East and in the Middle Ages were eliminated. In particular in the 1600s, well, in between the dark ages and 1600, they were ruthlessly suppressed. Nine million men, women and children were murdered. And of course, there's been an ongoing agenda that's gone into the Baltic region, where, to quote the New York Times, at one point during the Second World War they stated that the Pope's dream was of a central European confederation of Catholic states which would stretch from the Baltic to the Black Sea. And there is also the agenda ongoing for some time in Ireland where there's a war between the Protestants and Catholics. So there is an agenda on the part of hierarchy in the Vatican to eventually suppress every religion except their own.

The book, The Mars/Earth Enigma: A Sacred
Message to Mankind is published by Galde Press
(phone: 1-800-777-3454)
