Hgeocities.com/jywanza1/Instructions.htmlgeocities.com/jywanza1/Instructions.htmlelayedxlJPOKtext/htmlHgb.HTue, 05 Feb 2008 09:51:55 GMTtMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *lJ ~*~ Eurocentric Analysis Instructions ~*~

Eurocentric Analysis ©


We recommend that you set aside appropriate quality time to complete this analysis. We recommend you take this analysis in a calm and peaceful state of mind, in a calm and peaceful atmosphere. We also recommend that you don't skip around answering these questions.

It is very important that you take your time answering these questions and don't try to rush through this analysis. It may take you several days to complete this analysis.

Your answers will be YES or NO. If a question does not apply to you, leave it blank. Your ability to focus on reaching your "higher most inner-being" is an absolute must! Your ability to achieve a deep extensive "honest soul search," while answering these conscience questions, is very essential.
Complete honesty is vital!

In other words . . . if you're gonna deceive or lie to "yourself" don't waste
your time taking this analysis, it won't work!

Print out our analysis or write your
answers on a sheet of paper and start your journey....

We bid you well in your journey of self...

~Author's Note~

All spelling of America is intentionally spelled Amerikkka, representing a symbol behind white supremacy.
All spelling of white will be in lower case, symbolic of reducing the effects of white supremacy.
All spelling of Black in uppercase is purely intentional, and is symbolic for showing Black is great and positive, and to purge ourselves from the negative psychopathic behavior that African Amerikkkans obtained, as a result of white supremacy.
All spelling of Africa, without the name Amerikkka attached, will be spelled with a "k," symbolic of the cultural pronunciation.

The collective data that you are about to embark upon contains questions on topics, that you may consider to be unconventional and or controversial. This is not intended to be a delicate analysis. The analysis is powerful in content to expose topics that influence and dictate African Amerikkkan's ideas and behavior.

~Purpose of Analysis~

The sole purpose of this analysis, is to motivate you to do a truthful "self examination." We need to know what or who really dictates our beliefs, thoughts, life styles, and actions, that we also pass on to our children.

This analysis will also expose performances of nonproductivity and oppressive behaviors. The analysis' questions are formulated to help "loosen the shackles and chains" of psychological modification, along with negative and oppressive personal behavior. Only then, after loosening the "shackles and chains" can we ask the question, "why do we do some things we do?!"

Remember... all we are offering is the "truth"...

Also let us know what you think of our analysis in our guestbook
and check out what others have written
who have taken our analysis on our Result page

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Black Watch

Dedicated to the Enhancement of People of Afrikan Descent
