Hgeocities.com/jywanza1/LightSkin.htmlgeocities.com/jywanza1/LightSkin.htmlelayedxsJ OKtext/htmlg b.HSun, 27 Nov 2005 17:45:27 GMTMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *rJ From A Light Sister ~ To A Dark One

From A Light Sister To A Dark On

I am beautiful.
I am black.
I am wonderful.
I am black.
And although I may not be the color of the night sky
And although my hair may be finer
And although perhaps my nose is thinner,
I am no less black than you.
I am black.
I am black down to my soul.
I have shared with you the pains of OUR ancestors.
And although you call me names,
And although you say that I am not as black as you,
I am still black.
Black like you.

And if you don't believe me,
look into my eyes and you will see OUR struggle.
And you will see OUR pain.
And if you study my back and feet,
you will see the weight of many years upon my shoulders.
And if you reach into the back of your mind,
you will recall us,
together in Africa,
Holding hands,
being one,
being ourselves,
being black.

Do you believe me now?
Do you see what I am talking about?
Even though I am yellow,
Even though I am not physically like you,
We were sisters.
We were together,
in OUR homeland.
We are black.
Although my fine dark brothers may
not call me their Nubian Queen,
I am.
Because I too am black.
When the outside does not matter,
My black heart shines through.
My black mind is ready to learn.
My black soul is thriving;
Trying to prove my blackness,
to you, my fellow black sister.
And all the while is should not be necessary.

So you see,
I am black.
I am beautifull.
I am black.
Just like you.

Danita Roberts