Hgeocities.com/jywanza1/Lovingyou.htmlgeocities.com/jywanza1/Lovingyou.htmlelayedxuJ OKtext/htmlg b.HSun, 05 Jan 2003 21:43:12 GMTMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *uJ Loving You is Worth The Pain
Loving You is Worth The Pain

The phone rings
My breath catches
My hearts pounds
And as pathetic as it may be I pray
Itll be you
Even though I dont miss the lies
Dont miss the pain
I pray it's you
Because I do miss your love
Your voice
Your touch
I wouldn't trade a moment of it
No matter how much it hurt
And God knows how much it hurt
I pick up the phone
There is silence
Nothing but silence
But I know its you
A sob escapes
You sigh and say ceye sni yo (dont cry)
I cry harder at the sound of your voice
I cant take this
I need you
I tell you
Pride abolished
Gone, fast
Along with the memories of the bad times
I hang up
Hours later
You knock
I swallow
Scared in a way I have never been before
I open the door
And there you stand
My love
My heart
I cant move
Only tears fall
As I take in the sight of you
I dont remember moving
But Im in your arms
With the force of my tears
The force of my love
The force of my desire
Kissing you
I feel my back touch my bed
It all comes back
As if no time stood between us
As if no anger stood between us
As if no pain stood between us
My skin against your skin
Our bodies join
Holding you close
Trying to get closer
There is nothing else now
Nothing except this
Nothing except us

copyright 2001

Email Shawntasy

Beauty N Words