Darkling Dawn
Draco's Inferno Weyr Personas
Name: Ku'the (Kulathe)
Rank: Beastcrafter apprentice/Wingrider
Gender: Male
Age: 19, 17 at Impression
Family: Parents are holders, no siblings

Description: Kulathe is a boy in his late teens. Of average height and stocky, he is rather slow, tough, and somewhat lasting. Bullyish in appearance, he has alert, turquoise-flecked blue eyes and tawny skin; his short, messy hair is blonde, and he wears it spiked. Alert and gentle, he is shy and soft-hearted, despite his threatening appearance.
Past: Kulathe never got along very well with his parents, when he was 12 turns old, he took his runner and ran away from home. He ended up at the beastcraft hall, where he decided to stay to help take care of the runners.
Pets: Average black fresion runner, Coalki
Lantir-Setia Island
Dragon: (Talking) Green Akahaiokoth
Kulathe slowly made his way towards the hatching sands with the other candidates when the hatching of the senior queen's clutch was announced. He trailed behind the majority of candidates, and was one of the last onto the sands.
The golden queen was hissing at all the candidates angrily, hovering protectively over her clutch. The candidates stayed a long distance away from the irate clutchmother, at least until the eggs started hatching. The first egg quivered and shook, and it split to reveal two bronze dragons. The crowd cheered at this traditional good luck omen.
The first bronze turned out to be a female, and she steadfastedly refused to bond, and decided to stay at Draco's Inferno with her parents. The second bronze, a male, trotted over to the male candidates, and took a long time to make his choice.
Kulathe shifted nervously under the bronze's gaze as two female dragons, a green and a blue, hatched. Finally, the bronze made his choice and left with his new rider. The green bonded to a young woman, and the female blue also decided to go unbonded, like her sister.
Several more eggs hatched, including twin reds, a blue, and a male black. The red sisters chose their riders, one to a female, the other to a male, and the blue bonded a male as well. The black hatchling decided not to bond, and went with a representitave from a place called Darkling Dawn.
One of the largest eggs in clutch hatched, and a large silver dragon emerged. The male dragon looked over the candidate, and chose his bond, a man named Maniki.
There were six eggs left now, and seven candidates.
Great. Kulathe thought to himself. Just what I need, to be left behind at my first clutch.
Suddenly, a smaller egg exploded, leaving a bouncy, hyper green dragon. She happily sped over to the remaining male candidates, and flopped down in the sand in front of Kulathe, to his surprise.
"Have no fear, Ku'the! Akahaiokoth is here!" She exclaimed out loud. With those words, Kulathe's fate was sealed.
He burst out laughing at the little green, and she looked up at him, perplexed.
"What? What is it?" She asked, puzzled.
Ku'the wiped tears from his eyes, still grinning. "Nothing, Aka'. Absolutely nothing is wrong."
Akahaiokoth snorted and rolled her eyes at her bonded.
"Well then, hurry up and get me my food." She said, butting him off the sands as Ku'the continued to chuckle.
Ku'the's Green Akahaiokoth
Story coming soon...
Story coming soon...