Black Dragon Darkling Dawn
Name: Laren
Rank: Holder/Candidate
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Hair: Reddish brown, to shoulders, straight
Eyes: Green
Personality: Calm and quiet, though polite to people of authority. She's a loner and prefers to do stuff alone, but cherishes the few friends she's managed to make in her stepfather's hold.
Past: Laren lived with her mother in a southern hold until she was seven. Her father died when she was two. When she was seven, her mother married a holder from far north, and they moved to Ganolas Hold. A few turns later, her mother died from an illness, leaving Laren in the Hold with her stepfather and half-siblings.
Pets: Black male aifre, Solace
Lantir-Setia Island
Dragon: Green Iranth
There were dragons flying over the hold. That was something Laren had not seen in ten turns, ever since she had come to her stepfather's hold high in the mountains of the Northern Continent. Lord Acauhar scoffed at dragons, and their riders. His hold was rocky, and naturally supported little vegetation. He had little to fear from Thread, and less respect for dragonriders.
Ganolas Hold was dismal on the best of days. It wasn't that Lord Acauhar abused his power as Lord Holder; he was fair enough to all his holders, disapproved of sloth and laziness, and the hold was not poor by any means. It wasn't anything that had to do with the holders.
It was simply that everything was gray: The rocky landscape that was kept green-free, not that much effort had to be made to keep them so, was all shades of gray: light gray, dark grey, slate, as well as the mountains that the hold was built into. The sky, also, was usually a dark, stormy grey. All this made the hold look gloomy and unwelcoming.
A small black bundle was huddled against the dark grey walls, nearly lost from sight were it not for its particularly dark coloration. It uncurled to reveal a small, canine-like creature, with silky fur and large ears. The Alskyran aifre yelped happily as it glimpsed Laren approaching, and the girl smiled as she held the pup in her arms.
The aifre had been a birthing day present from a friend who had since left the hold. Acauhar regarded the offworld pet disapprovingly, but he had made no protests to his stepdaughter's keeping the pet. Her half-sisters thought he was adorable.
Laren grinned as she stroke the pup's head, and he whined as he struggled to get out of her arms. She set the aifre back on the ground, and his tail wagged playfully. "Hey, Solace." She said, ruffling the fur on the aifre's neck. "You hungry?"
Solace yipped in reply, and Laren laughed. "Alright then." She looked up, and that was when she first noticed the dragons. Three of them. A large, wildly colored bronze, a duowinged blue, and a green-silver. One of Laren's eyebrow's arched in curiosity. Those were certainly not normal dragons. She wondered what they were doing here.
Laren shook her head, causing her red-brown hair to fall over her face. Her stepfather would not be happy about this.
He wasn't. As the dragonriders approached, he scowled, staring at their dragons. Laren stood behind him with her half-siblings, stealing occasional glances at the dragons. On closer inspection, she realized that the green-silver dragon, which she had originally thought female, was in fact male. The bronze, who she later found out was called a wild bronze, watched with whirling eyes as his rider approached the Lord Holder.
"What is your business here, dragonrider?" Acauhar asked crisply, eyeing the rider with distaste.
"There's a clutch on the sands at Black Dragon Weyr." The bronzerider answered easily. "We've come to look for candidates in your hold."
Acauhar scowled, but agreed to the dragonriders' request. The riders dispersed, wandering through the hold and conversing with the occasional possible candidate. Laren had by now already fed Solace, and the aifre followed behind her as she went about her chores.
Solace yipped in curiousity, and Laren looked up to see one of the dragons, the bronze, looking at her with interest. She returned the dragon's gaze, one eyebrow raised. The bronze rumbled, and he must have said something to his rider, because the head searchrider came over to her.
She nodded to him. "Hello, dragonrider." She regarded him curiously, a bit suspicious of what he wanted with her.
He smiled at her reassuringly. "My name's Ch'ta, my dragon's wild bronze Dwasyaan." He said.
"Laren, my stepfather is Lord Acauhar." She answered with a frown. Solace peeked out from behind her legs and growled at the large dragon, and Laren smiled. "And this is Solace." She laughed.
Ch'ta smiled and glanced at his dragon. When he turned back to her, he said, "Dwasyaan says he thinks you should come with us."
Laren blinked in surprise, taken aback. "To stand for the clutch?"
Ch'ta rolled his eyes. "Of course, to stand for the clutch! What did you think?" He laughed.
Laren frowned, but she felt her ears grow hot, and hoped the searchrider didn't notice. She glanced at her stepfather, who was scowling as he watched the searchrider, and nodded her head. "Definitely." She said, scooping Solace up in her arms. She glimpsed her stepfather looking at her inquiringly, but she ignored him as she followed the dragonrider, content that he had no power over her now. She was going to be a dragonrider!