Darkling Dawn
Name: Oliavia
Rank: Clan Born/Wingrider
Gender: Female
Age: 19, 17 at Impression
Family: Parents are Traders
            Brother, Terrali (19)
            Oliavia (17)
            Sister, Itia (14)
            Brother, Seeroan (9)
            Sister, Giawen (6)

Likes: Her parents, Her runner, The sea, Dresses and being ladylike
Dislikes: Being dirty or unstylish, Being alone
Height: 5'8-Above Average
Build: Rail thin
Skin: Red tan
Hair: Black, very long, natural curl
Eyes: Blue
Appearance: Oliavia is tall and thin, and is considered by most to be very pretty, and she knows it. Her skin is reddish tan, her hair is very long, reaching well past her waist, and is slightly curly. Her eyes are a deep, clear blue. She loves dresses and gowns, and always dresses stylishly.
Personality: Oliavia is a little conceited when it comes to her appearance, and loves to flirt. She is very calm and polite, but has a surprisingly short temper. She loves her runner, Samrili, and hates traveling with the caravan. She would much rather live in a hold.
Pets: Female White Chestnut Runner, Samrili
From: Rous Hold
        Green fire lizard, Seeya
        Brown fire lizard, Roku
Weyr Eriol
Dragon: Green Rhalelath
Oliavia was awoken late at night by a rumbling humming noise. Frowning, she stood up and looked outside to see what was going on. "Hurry and get your candidate robe on, the clutch is hatching!" One of the other female candidates yelled to her as she joined the throng of spectators to the hatching grounds.
Oliavia gasped and dashed back into her room, pulling the white robe on before racing back out.
Four dragons had already hatched, and a brown, two greens, and a blue all looked on impatiently as they searched for their chosens. The first green bonded to a young, purple-haired woman, and the brown bonded a half-horselike creature.
The second green and blue watched as two more eggs cracked, and Oliavia watched with them. One revealed a brown, who refused to bond right away, and the other yeilded twin greens. Oliavia smiled at the sight of the squabbling greens, who quickly bonded to their chosen girls.
A dark green bonded to a young man, who simply sat down in the sand with his young dragon to watch the rest of hatching as the blue and brown decided not to bond.
Two more eggs hatched, spilling a pale blue dragon and a green onto the scalding sand. The green slipped, and landed at the feet of her rider, and the pale blue moved resolutely to the young man who had bonded a green earlier. Oliavia watched in surprise and amusement as his two bonds began to fight, before he calmed them down and left to feed them.
The last three eggs hatched, a blue and two greens. Oliavia shifted nervously and hoped one of the green swould choose her. The pale gray-blue male chose the other candidate, a fox-shapeshifter. The larger of the two greens chose not to bond.
Oliavia watched the last dragon hopefully, and the green turned to catch her eye. With a croon, the green dragon trotted over to Oliavia.
I'm glad you're here, Oliavia. My name is Rhalelath.
Oliavia gasped happily, then smiled down at the green. "So am I, Rhalelath." Rhalelath crooned as Oliavia took her to the kitchens to join her other siblings.
Oliavia's Green Rhalelath
Rhalelath snorted as she stared at the pair of eggs resting in a basket on her rider's bed. Oliavia, what are those?
Her rider looked up and shrugged. "Dunno. I found those when we came back from weyrling training earlier today. No note or anything. They look like fire lizard eggs, though."
Rhalelath snorted again and eyed the eggs suspiciously.
How could anyone just abandon eggs like that?
Oliavia sighed and stroked her weyrling dragon's head. "Some people are not very responsible, love. I think they expected me to either get rid of them, or take care of them when they hatched."
What will you do with them?
"Well, I can hardly just leave them alone." She smiled. "I suppose I'll have two new pets soon."
Very soon. Rhalelath agreed, and she nudged the girl's leg to get her attention. Look! They're hatching!
Oliavia gasped and stood up. "Watch them, Rhalelath, while I go down to the kitchens and get some food for them. The weyrling agreed, and Oliavia ran out of their weyr.
When she came back, she burst into giggles at the sight of the weyrling with a hatchling fire lizard on either side of her neck, begging anxiously for food. Rhalelath sighed in relief at the appearance of her bond, and gladly handed the two hatchlings over to Oliavia.
Oliavia picked up the larger brown first, giving him a large slice of roasted meat from the plate, and set him to gorge. The smaller green was next, and by then her brother had finished and was crying piteously for more. So it went until the hatchlings were finally stuffed with meat, and both fell fast asleep, curling up with Rhalelath.
Oliavia smiled, looking on as her weyrling coddled the hatchlings.
The green is Seeya, and the brown is Roku. She said fondly.
Oliavia laughed. "As you wish, Rhalelath."
Story coming soon...
Background From: Whyte Myst's Backgrounds