World Polymer Banknotes
Guatemala - gt109

Circulating Issue - One Quetzal
Dated 20/12/2006, Released 20/08/2007
Canadian Bank Note Co Ltd - 60 Million pieces printed
Licda. Maria Antonieta Del Cid Navas de Bonilla
Jose Maria Orellana Pinto
José María Orellana Pinto was born on 11/07/1872 in El Jicaro to the parents of Esteban Orellana and Leonor Pinto. He became president of Guatemala on 10/12/1921 following a Coup d'état against then president Carlos Herrera. Prior to taking power, he was a General in the Guatemalan army. He died on 26/09/1926 while still in office.

During Orellana's term, the quetzal as unit of currency was created. Orellana's image appears in the obverse of the one-quetzal banknote, the most common form of currency in Guatemala.
Banco de Guatemala building

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