"As reorganization of belief is the key to liberation, so is reorganization of desire the key to will ...
...Will is unity of desire."
Peter J Carroll,
Liber Null
"All humans have different desires, but they are driven by the exact same needs."
Anthony Robbins,
Personal Power II
Clearly then, we approach unified Will in this order of priority:

NEEDS (satisfied)   >   DESIRES (reorganised)   >   WILL (unified)

Where many of us try desperately to use WILLpower to achieve their WILL, or work only with DESIRES to achieve WILL, Robbins gives us a motivational framework, by which I mean a framework which will DRIVE change instead of a theoretical construct which does nothing.  First take care of the NEEDS, and the rest will fall into place. 

In doing so, I intend to overtake that awkward bit in
Liber Null of the 'Alphabet of Desire', which no-one seems to know how to work.  I suspect and hope that Pete Carroll would expect us to find our own framework and our own glyphs.  Nor do we need the quasi-Kabbalistic structure or the alchemical analysis.  Let’s move on. 

For simplicity’s sake, I divide needs into the physical needs of air, water, light, physical comfort, food, sex; and the basic human NEEDS outlined here.  I present Robbins’ Six Basic NEEDS as three polarised pairs, as we may treat the excess of any one by making more use of its polar opposite. 



Especially of avoiding pain and getting pleasure.  Also called comfort or  familiarity, and acts as a signal of existing in conditions conducive to survival.  In excess, it creates stagnation in the comfort zone, even boredom,  and turns the sufferer into a narrow-minded control freak. 


Variety, neophilia, surprise and challenge.  The nervous system functions on information, which we measure in units of difference.  No distinguishable differences, then functions don’t function and entropy ensues.  However, excess creates fear as the nervous system finds it more difficult to make the incoming signals coherent.  We don’t know where we stand, and remain paralysed in stasis, lacking a clear direction. 



A sense of our uniqueness.  We live subjectively, located in time and space by our flesh, and express it through individuality.  Nothing quite like ourselfs will ever pass this way again.  In excess, it ranges from eccentricity to enslavement to the chosen identity(ies) and delusions of specialness.  Excess also manifests as isolation, loneliness or separation. 


As a gregarious mammal species, we need connection to the group, to belong, to share and to have outside confirmation of meaning in our lives.  Read the page on the Green Power for more.  In excess, connection causes sufferers to lose all sense of themselves as they live only ‘for others’  and find those others running their lives for them. 



If we ain’t growing, we’re dying.  As life goes on, we learn new ways to respond to the changes, add to our repertoire of choices, and pursue further our chosen directions.  In excess, we may grow outward but not inward, creating a busy but superficial existence, filling our lives while leaving no room for others. 


As a pack animal species, we have survived by keeping together and looking out for each other.  As magicians, heirs of shamanic tradition, we pursue the Hero’s mythic quest alone, but the story doesn’t finish until we bring the Elixir back to the tribe.  We go beyond ourselves in service to others and experience exctacy therein.  However, those who give freely without tasting the Elixir themselves have nothing to give and will destroy themselves in the process. 

How to use this information. 

Firstly, we can evaluate our actions and lifestyle, checking for lack or excess of these NEEDS.  If I dress weirdly enough to put people off, do I need to balance my sense of significance with a sense of connection?  How specifically might I do that? 

This job/partner/situation/hobby/possibility:  which NEEDS does it meet?  Which NEEDS does it fail to meet?  How could I meet at least four of the six NEEDS in this instance? 

Secondly, we can build fulfilment of these NEEDS into any programme of personal change or metamorphosis in order to create driving motivation.  If I clearly understand that this X will meet these four NEEDS, I’ll more likely follow through on it. 

Thirdly, use them in conjunction with the carrot and stick.  In Pavlovian fashion, we can condition ourselfs to think of the pain of not following through on X and the pleasure of following through fully.  Conversely, we can condition ourselfs to feel pain of continuing to do something when we would prefer to stop it, and to feel pleasure in stopping that which we believes no longer belongs in our life. 

Fourthly, sigillise/symbolise the NEEDS and treat them as servitors to perform ritual acts of metamorphosis and illumination.  Remember, as you align your NEEDS to your satisfaction, your DESIRES will align themselves, and you will be living your unified WILL.