Mysterious Darkness
(My mogwai was adopted from The Gremlin Adoption Agency)
You step through the portal into a completely dark place. Looking around, your eyes don't adjust in the feel nothing but the cold, hard ground against your feet. At first you hear nothing....but then you begin to hear the soft pat of feet, circling you. You look around desperately, but can't see anything. The sound of the patting feet stops, and you stand, frozen in fear. Suddenly Kalaia appears before you, her eyes shining softly. You jump.

I see you have met my Mogwai...her name is Gekkabijin. It means Queen of the Night.

You interupt. "I didn't actually see her..." Kalaia smirks, and peers around the darkness.

Gekkabijin is harmed by light..but there is one way you can see her...

Kalaia hands you a pair of special night-vision goggles. They look the same as normal night-vision goggles, but you can see through these perfectly, in color and everything. You peer around in the darkness, and catch a small glimpse of the creature.
You peer at the staring creature for a second, then quickly take off the goggles. Even though it looks harmless, you feel a great fear for don't know why. Kalaia smirks and takes the goggles from you.

I'll leave you along with her.

You blink as she disappears, and you still feel the presence of the Mogwai. You quickly stumble back through the portal, and it closes.